common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Saturday, September 17, 2022

The Damn is Creaking on the Vax Lies


I just watched an interview (paywall) with Edward Dowd on Epoch TV. He’s a former Blackrock portfolio manager and numbers analyst. Most stock analysts can spot trends before anyone knows something is a trend. Mr. Dowd is no different. I heard him on Steve Bannon’s War Room a few months ago. He’s been evaluating two sets of numbers that show an increase in All Mortality rates. First, the group life death claims. Second, he looked at CDC (Center for Disease Control) numbers of the same All Mortality rates.

Together, both measures show an increase of roughly 40% deaths in the American population. 

That’s an astounding number. It’s close to what a bloody war would look like. Anytime the death rates spike during peace time something is very off. But no one is really talking about it. This is his lead in, all this death and not a peep?  How many news shows lead with this information? I heard Alex Berenson mention something similar on Joe Rogan. He didn’t divulge too much though. Without a report or a book, something to present, it’s just academic right now.

Mr. Dowd is sure this is a vaccine problem. This isn’t how science is done, I get that. You don’t say, this has to be the jab because the deaths increase just as most people were being mandated to do so. But we’ve all heard anecdotal evidence about soccer players dropping on the pitch. You’ve read at least one story about an uptick in myocarditis (an inflammation of the heart muscle).

 The most significant finding is the first set of data he analyzed, the group life policies. Those are the corporate death benefit payouts from large companies. Large corporations usually have new employees sign a recipient in the case of accidental death. It’s considered a very low risk investment. Full time working adults don’t generally have drug overdose deaths or suicide problems on a large scale.

For this group to show a large increase in deaths (40%) points to something extremely irregular. Dowd says a 10% increase correlates to a once in a two hundred year flood. An increase of 40% is off the scale. The CDCs own numbers were higher as well but, as a metric for the general public it’s bound to be a little higher. CDC analysts told Dowd that the deaths were because of long Covid, suicides and missed cancer screenings. Obviously they don’t want him digging, don’t want anyone digging.

Is some of the increase because of drug overdoses and missed cancer screenings? Sure. 40%? No way.

Dowd and his partner looked at numbers from March of 2021 to February of 2022. He met Doctor Malone, the creator of the mRNA technology, at a mandate protest in Maui. Malone has been a tour de force in the anti mandate world, and added much needed gravitas to the movement. They both agreed, Dowd would look at death reports from funeral homes and insurance companies. It’s when the puzzle pieces started to fit together and the picture came into view. The interviewer asked the most pertinent question his motives, are you shorting pharmaceutical company stock? That crossed my mind too. Fortunes were made by housing market speculators because they saw what no one else saw in 2008. The patient ones raked in a healthy percentage on the collapse.

Dowd reassured viewers, he isn't making money. But if he sees it, likely others are going short on the drug companies.

I learned another interesting fact about Pfizer’s first drug trial. They failed their first endpoint, All Cause Mortality. More people in the product group died than in the placebo group by a measure of 23%. I’m not sure how extensive the sample, but that’s unbelievable. Pfizer tried to hide the information but a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request showed how they ignored it and focused on “Effectiveness” instead. That’s bad enough for a drug company to hide information directly related to the safety of the product. But for the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to sign off on it, it’s criminal behavior.

There will be a lot of law suites in the next 5 years. It’s such an all consuming problem I don’t see a way around. The government can’t cover up a lie this big. Eventually the damn is going to break and all the lies they’ve tried to hold back will wash away the institutions in the valley. Two institutions will be forever remade, the government and the pharmaceutical companies. That’s probably a good thing in the end. Even if Pfizer (Moderna, the rest) survive in some capacity, their trust level will be so degraded they won’t be able to make allergy medicine for cats without a 10 year study.


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