common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Luke 18 and God's Promise to Avenge Speedily


Bearing Up and Avenging Speedily

Luke 18 starts out with a parable. It’s a lesson about God’s faithfulness to those who seek justice. It begins, a godless judge becomes tired of a widow approaching him about her adversary and demanding justice. He reasons to himself that if he doesn’t help her, she will bother him about it all the time. He decides to help her, purely due to self-interest.

The Trial

 “Then the Lord said, ‘Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily, Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?’” (verse 6-8)

There seems to be a discrepancy between God bearing long with us and avenging “speedily”. Those look to be opposites. A legal battle that drags on for years cannot be thought of as a speedy verdict. Even with the ruling in your favor. The agony and cost of a protracted fight is too much for a lot of people. Justice must be speedy and inexpensive or it’s not really justice.

 I’ve been following the Mark Steyn defamation suit that concluded two weeks ago. Sued by the despicable Michael Mann, for writing a blog post that called him a fraud. Much of the scientific community has complained about his sloppy research methods. This being a litigious country though, Mann’s team took the case to Washington DC and won a $1 million. He won because the jury didn’t like right wing journalists like Steyn criticizing the “science” community. Mann wasn’t harmed in any way. The jury agreed with that. The award from the court was punitive and designed to chill free speech going forward. The suit began in 2012 and recently concluded, in 2024.

 It’d difficult to find the most egregious aspect of this case, but the sheer length and cost put Mann v Steyn into the duplicitous category.

The Faithfulness

In God’s legal framework His people are assured of justice. Often it takes a while to manifest in our lives. It can take years, even decades to be realized. So why does Jesus use the word “speedily” when nothing about victory feels quick? I think it has to do with the official record and not the reality of the ongoing situation. In heaven our case is won but on earth, we stand on faith. It’s why He wraps up the parable by mentioning faith. In other words, is there enough faith to believe for victory when the trial is so daunting? But faith is built through trying times. Without a season of waiting on the Lord we would never renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31).

No one needs strength like fighters.

But we don’t wait on the Lord like a judge. He isn’t deciding whether or not to rule in our favor. Just prayers from the Saints cause God to move on our behalf. As Christians we are heirs to the promise and entitled to good gifts like healing, prosperity and peace. He already ruled in our favor when Christ went to the cross and rose on the third day. Faith in our natural trial is where we get tripped up. He is working behind the scenes to correct unjust events. But Jesus reminds us of His presence in our weakness. The struggle to wait is often more than we can handle however. It’s why he reminds us that he “bears long” with us.

The Victory

If this doesn’t create a picture in your mind of a loving father holding his son or daughter while they cry, I don’t know what will. I had asthma as a young boy. I remember struggling to catch my breath after running around on a cold winter day. This wasn’t always the trigger but the symptoms were the same, wheezing and shortness of breath. Even walking from my bedroom to the bathroom was a struggle. My parents were always nearby enduring the long days when I hardly moved. There was nothing to do but wait. We all had some long nights. They believed for my healing before I felt better. I didn’t struggle in later years like I did as a child. Occasionally the humidity would cause me to go into a wheezing episode, but I never doubted God’s faithfulness. I had been through the trial with my parents. I’d seen their comfort and reassurance.

The trials are painful and often long. But God shows up as a comforter and reminds us of His verdict on our behalf.

The challenge for us is to build faith in the struggle, knowing that our Heavenly Father is working when it doesn’t feel like it.







Saturday, February 17, 2024

Routines Are A Super Power


Routines: The Pushy Parent You Desperately Need

I’ve been pondering the value of routine and why it’s the closest thing to a superpower that I’ll ever have. 

I’m not studying tonight. Most nights through the week I spend at least an hour, usually two, going over the ISSA (International Sports Science Association) textbook. I either make notes in the study guide or read a new section. It feels less daunting than it did when I first opened the package in the mail. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a lot to learn. But I’ve got a routine going. That’s the primary piece of success to me. Even exercise works this way. Progress is impossible if you keep changing your routine and miss big chunks of the week. When you make yourself do the same thing, day after day, it’s not as difficult. Besides I’m learning a lot about the body and nutrition. It’s interesting. 


My writing has suffered a little. I’m not able to compose as much. But it’s a trade off I need right now. I expect that I’ll get certified as a trainer and make some extra money after I take the test. Right now I need to get the material in my head.

I ran with my group last night along the riverfront. This is becoming a new Thursday night routine that’s difficult because it’s right after work. It’s frustrating that I haven’t improved my speed any significant margin. I can run fast but I can’t carry on a conversation at the quicker pace. That’s a part of it. You need to be able to run and talk without getting out of breath. I can’t do that for very long. 

I hang in there but I don’t say much. I probably worry too much about this stuff. I’m fortunate to be able to run at all. My health is good and eat better than ever. There is a long way to go on the diet side of things. But I’ve cut down significantly on fast food and sugar. Sugar still needs to be an occasional thing and not a daily intake. Thankfully ice cream doesn’t have sugar or I’d be in real trouble (LOL).


As for writing, the reason I’m struggling is that I don’t hardly do anything. My days are boring. What I mean is, I don’t explore enough. I attend the usual service on Saturday night at church. My group runs on Saturday morning and Thursday night. I hit the gym on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I eat breakfast with my mom on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon is a short walk with a podcast. I talk to my cousin and Sunday night and the week begins anew.

 Already mentioned is my schedule for studying. I’m a creature of habit, but that doesn’t lend itself well to writing. 

Unless I want to blog about the news all day like Ace of Spades. He probably doesn’t make that much money but he’s found a niche. Could I do that even with a decent paycheck? For a while, yes, but I think the stream of bad news would depress me after a while. My routine keeps me going while also keeping me from busting out. Without some level of consistency, I’m not sure I would be effective at anything. Whenever I encounter a new wrinkle in my schedule, like this personal training course, I get to work establishing a routine. I’m sure even as a traveling salesman I’d do the same thing. Check into the hotel, find a place to eat and go over emails. Then wake up early and run or weight lift weights, take a shower and start meeting with my contacts for the day. I’d repeat some form of this every time I traveled. 


Does that make me unique? I don’t think so. The uniqueness might be in the level of detail on the schedule. Some are happy to play with a loose framework. Others need an hour by hour breakdown. For me, it comes down to NOT having to decide what to do. The trick with routines is taking away as many chances to say NO as possible. The more detail there is, the less chance there is to waste time. It’s why signing up for running clubs or group classes at the gym works better than just agreeing with that internal (annoying) voice that pesters you about exercise. Telling yourself things like “I should really work out more” is worthless. When you pay for it, or if it’s on a schedule you’re more likely to go. This isn’t something I looked up so I may be on thin ice here. It’s possible there is no difference but I doubt it. Additionally, having a lead role in a group is a tighter bind to that function. If you’re the one who fills the water jugs, for instance, or leads the 9 minute pace group you won’t miss.  

I’ve seen this in my own life whether volunteering at church or giving people rides to a party. These connections and responsibilities make it more likely I’ll show up. That’s half of it after all. Tight routines actually take away the ‘stay or go’ decisions that are much harder to make early in the morning. Decisions are stressful; planning is easy. Remember when your mom woke you up for school? How many times did you want to go back to sleep? The difference was you didn’t have a choice. Routine removes choice. It’s a pushy parent when you desperately need one. 


You can still build in off time as a reward. That’s what I’m calling tonight, my off night. Spaghetti and sausage with some garlic bread is on the menu. Friday is once again becoming a consistent pasta night for me. Another day another routine. 

Friday, February 9, 2024

Border Battle: When Will They Learn?


Lankford's Bill on Border Security is DOA: No New Legislation

This recent bill from James Lankford was a dud

Officially touted as an “Immigration Bill” it’s barely out of committee and everyone is dumping on it. The game is up on border security as an issue for most Americans. They won’t sneak a bill through that involves any aspect of immigration, worker visas or border security without a fight. We've learned to say Hell No! My memory on border security goes back to George W Bush. That was less than 20 years ago. Bush was largely popular with the base, but he tried to sign a bill into law that provided green cards, visas and work permits to illegal aliens. Those already in the country, in other words, were to be given a free pass. There may have been a provision requiring an English language test or something. If memory serves, that was John McCain’s contribution to the agreement.

For all the fussing around on the margins, the legislation was a giveaway to the corporate class. We call them the donor class now, same group. These are the industries that benefit from cheap labor (hospitality, agriculture, construction) and need a porous border. It’s basically their idea. But they understand the outcry over illegal immigration from regular Americans. They want an open border but have to pretend to be interested in security.

 It’s all theater though and we all know it.

I think we started to figure it out in the early 00s. The details of the bills don’t matter. We get caught up on the dizzying numbers and statistics the legislators trot out on cable news shows. It all sounds very important and serious. “The Congressional Budget Office scored it favorably doncha know”. The theater is in the horse trading. How many green cards, which illegals can apply for citizenship and how long after the work permit. The asylum process is a joke too. It’s meant to be for people escaping persecution, not looking for work.

Even the focus on migrants from Central and South America seems a little dated. Know we have Chinese men coming in organized packs from the Mexico side. What? Yup the details are fuzzy. Why are they walking in from the South with the tide of South Americans? No one knows. No one cares. The border isn’t just about people looking for work. It’s human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and who knows what else.

It doesn’t matter what’s agreed to in the eventual bill. The ones responsible for closing the border didn’t follow the law before, why should they now? As if a new bill with just the right amount of extra security agents or quotas on illegals (puh lease!) will consist of the perfect combination of items to make a difference. We (Americans) usually fall for this. Not this time. If you think about what’s being asked here, it should upset you that we need a bill at all. What if the number of drunk driving accidents suddenly jumped. I don’t mean 10 percent either. What about one hundred percent? Not only that, but it had been climbing every year for the past 30 years. In the last 4 years It shot up 200 percent. Keep in mind, it’s illegal to drink and drive. But the police were overwhelmed. Citizens were being killed in record numbers.

The problem increases because the authorities aren’t enforcing the laws. Suddenly it’s out of control. The crime is so bad it might cause instability. I guess you could say liquor stores and bars benefit when drinking is up, but everyone else gets short changed. The alcohol companies would have every interest to get a bill on the books that appeared to fix the problem, but really just encourages everyone to look the other way. In other words, the bill would have no real accountability. They’d trot out their paid representatives to tell us how amazing and bipartisan it is. After it passed we’d quit talking about it for a decade or so. What looked like a fix is nothing more than a show.

This is the game on immigration. The United States doesn’t need a new law to close the border. Build a wall, put up concertina wire, hire more border patrol. Start deporting again. It’s a privilege to live in a country as a citizen. Most importantly, stop drawing up new legislation. It’s a recipe for additional pork spending that has nothing do with the border.

There should be room for an organized method that doesn’t abuse the asylum process. The border is open right now because powerful groups want to keep it that way. Immigration gets talked about as if it’s an automatic right for individuals. Every country has a duty to its citizens to regulate the border. We’ve had periods in this country where immigration was high and times when it was low. The Immigration Act of 1924 put quotas in place. This followed a massive wave of immigration from the early 1900s. We used to believe in assimilation; today it’s a bad word. But any country should argue for preserving its culture. Without it you don’t have a country. It’s the same for a border.

I didn’t vote for Lankford in this last election because I thought he was naive. I don’t know if he’ll recover from this last embarrassment. We would like a border, enforcement of laws and minimal legislation.