common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Fit to Print: Anti-Christian Bias


Agenda Driven News

I think maybe I read too much of the news.

 It’s designed to depress so I do need to be careful with what I absorb. Sometimes I just think I’m not smart enough to absorb any of it. And if I was, would I even want to process it all? How much of what I’ve read is actually true? I think that’s the biggest realization I’ve come to. It probably seems dumb to start thinking about this right now. I’m in my early forties and just figuring out that maybe the news is a complete sham. I’m kind of embarrassed.

When I say sham I don’t mean that from the top to bottom the news is a lie. That would be too easy to disprove. But much of the top stories are stories that special interests care about. For instance, if I was a stakeholder in Moderna or Pfizer or any of the top drug manufacturers I’d be pushing a virus hard because we were about to develop a vaccine to fight it. It doesn’t even matter that the vaccine is crap and likely will lead to lawsuit hell in the next 10 years. My job is to raise the price of the stock.

 I know I know. Totally using a ridiculous example, it could never happen and all of that.

What Should I Think?

One tidbit I remember from my Communication class on Framing is this: ‘they can’t tell us what to think but they can tell us what to think about’. They in this case is the media. Whether TV, radio or the internet, the information spigots decide what to spew out and how to interpret it. I’m not one who thinks the local news shouldn’t report murders and robberies. I’ll call that straight news. Just tell us what happened.

But I don’t think we understand how much information we receive is agenda based. Elementary and Secondary education is practically a petri dish for social engineering.

The LGBT lobby pressures our schools to include sexually explicit images in the materials kids read. For the bullshit reason that gay and trans kids need a welcoming environment, nonsense. All LGBT excuses flow from the same lie. The real reason is to normalize same sex behavior at younger and younger ages. Why is there such a push to encourage boys to wear dresses? Gay is what you do not who you are. But the way media explains it, you’d think gays and lesbians were some racial ethnicity with a long sad history like the Jews. Remaking homosexuals into a victimized group has been an extremely successful campaign.

How has Information Changed?

In the past if you wanted the American people to know about your product or service you bought commercial air time. In some cases you might produce a documentary or try to go on a talk show and demonstrate. Even though Sunday morning infomercials you see before the football games are part of the same idea. But what if you can disseminate information through the very news people hear. If you are a global conglomerate that’s in league with other conglomerates and you want to push an idea of a humanistic world you do it through the news. Not directly but indirectly.

You fund important research into medicines and show doctors with their noses in microscopes desperately seeking the next cure. You would also fund government and economic schools that promote your humanistic agenda. Not to mention making sure that the best and brightest graduates saw the world the way you did. When you fund and promote programs that emphasize a particular world view you get graduates that trumpet your ideas. They go out into the world and change institutions in your likeness. They redefine traditional values, reject Creation and protect others just like them.

After a few decades you’ve got some solid bricks to build on. After a few more decades the institutions are remade and much of the traditional values crowd, Christians mostly, are outside looking in. You’ve also mostly squeezed any mention of Biblical truths, and those who support it, out of the public square. I had a Biology professor who was incredulous that one of his graduate level students believed in Biblical Creation. He ranted that anyone with ‘those views’ should stay out of his department.

Where to Now?

Even when we fight back it’s from a defensive position. We’ve been backed into a corner and the only decent response seems to be “I want the best for everyone honest!” Much of it is our fault of course. We believed the nonsense that wealth would create a more just future for our kids. And if only we just stopped banging on about abortion and gay marriage we could have been included in the great reordering.

I’m excited by what I see in Virginia and Florida and much of the parent/teacher throw downs over the Covid protocols. All parents need is a spark to start engaging again. It looks like the mask mandates have become that in many districts. With awareness comes change. We’ve ignored the kind of information that we’re consuming for too long and it’s become antagonistic toward truth. Education and media both demonstrate this. I can see a 20 year project for Christians to begin retaking institutions that are failing, like education, and making them sane again. 

One big market is the news business. Not every bit of information is colored by a world view or a corporate interest, but too much of is. The media landscape is due for an overhaul as well. We need to be discerning as snakes and as harmless as doves going forward or lose our ability to influence the future.



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