common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Day-Off

Image result for pen and paper"

I’ve been furiously avoiding the writing assignment for today. 

Not because I don’t like the topic or because I didn’t do any research, but because I don’t have a topic. The day is mostly wasted due my dentist appointment early this morning where I promptly came right back here to read news and check email. Then I ambled over to the couch to read a little more of the novel I’m plugging away at. After an hour or so I decided to get some coffee at a Great coffee house called Double Shot where I read a few more chapters of the book, not because of some need to finish but because of sheer boredom and a lack of a better idea. My brother and his family are still in town because of Christmas so I popped in for while over at my mom’s where they are staying. Then back here to get a little dinner and read some news hoping for spark of imagination or interest. So far nothing, but I’m writing anyway.

I did another scripture commentary yesterday morning, Christmas day. I’m going through the book of Acts chapter by chapter and doing some reflecting on the reading. I said “commentary” but on second look, that sounds a little more intellectual than what I’m going for. I try to do a chapter from anywhere in the Bible once a week. I don’t put them on my website because the pieces are a little too sloppy for the blog. And this is with the full knowledge that blog pages have pretty low standards. 

But by writing them and dumping them into a file folder I don’t have to edit them for clarity or grammatical errors. I don’t have to check for historical accuracy either which is the big one with the Bible.

It’s much more important for the Old Testament because sorting out prophets and messages is tricky without looking them up. Mixing up the Zachariahs from the Zephaniahs might get me laughed out of polite society. Most books contain the same general premise, God’s people forget their covenant and need a prophet. As a story arc it’s all too common, rejection of the old law, problems with war or famine or disease, and finally repentance. But without the repetition and enduring love we wouldn’t get the New Testament, or the Savior, or the accessibility to God and eternal hope through salvation.
 For now my reflections are just personal letters. That may change in the future. I need more material and the Bible is an endless supply to me.

What’s strange for me is that work begets work. I’m more efficient when my schedule is full. When I’ve got a whole day with nothing to do, I do nothing. Something tells me this is normal for a lot of us. We complain that we just don’t have time to for home projects and learning. But with a whole day and nothing planned we flip through mystery books and sip coffee. After that we saunter to the kitchen (or waddle) and paw through the fridge looking for peanut butter cups and egg nog. Is it just me? I doubt it. With a full work schedule though I seem to squeeze a lot in, I need structure and deadlines. Or maybe I just shouldn’t feel bad about spending a day relaxing, snacking, napping and reading.

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