Depression is a strong word for occasional ‘funks’ in life
that drag us down.
It suggests clinical,
medical problems that demand attention and action. I fall into these shallow
pits occasionally and have found the quickest way out is through selfless
behavior, good works. No this isn’t one of those “So what is your biggest
weakness?” interview questions where I get to pretend my weakness is actually a
strength. “Well you know..I just love everyone so much, I don’t know when to
say no.” This actually helps. Focus on someone in need. Any need. Just get
involved with helping others and stop focusing on self. That clears up the funk clouds quicker than anything.
Good works allow others outside the faith to see a healthy
example of love. That love exemplified through Christ’s death and resurrection
is the goal, salvation is the point. Lead them to Jesus.
Good works have gotten a bad rap the last couple of years.
Works are constantly juxtaposed with grace, as if humans must choose between
them. Like the scene from Indiana Jones
and the Last Crusade where a totally subjective grail choice determines the
drinker’s fate. If it’s been a while since you’ve seen it, Donavan the
antiquities collector goes for the shiniest most bejeweled cup to drink
‘eternal life’ from. He sips from the wrong one mistaking it for the holy grail. Tthe Knight deadpans “He chose poorly” as Donavan’s rapidly
aging body decomposes seconds after his sip. He got one chance and picked the
wrong cup.
We think our choice is limited to accepting grace and
eschewing deeds. Grace and deeds are not mutually exclusive, they exist
together. One is a gift and the other constitutes action--if grace than deeds.
Ephesians 2:8-9 “For
it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from
yourself, it is the gift of God—not by works so that no one can boast.” (NIV)
Paul uses ‘deeds’ so Christians see an obvious contrast
between something offered and something earned. He is saying that no one can
earn it so don’t even try. Good works are still an essential part of
Christianity and witnessing to the lost. Again, the best way to show the
character of our Father is through good works and generosity. Don’t imagine
deeds aren’t critical to winning souls and touching lives.
James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God
the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to
keep oneself unstained from the world.” (ESV)
There can be no doubt that ‘widows and orphans’ falls
comfortably under the works category. Works are encouraged in order to show the
Father’s love. Just don’t imagine works can be traded in for credit at any
time. Salvation through grace is free. Isn’t that wonderful?
The knowledge alone should get you out of your funk.
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