common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tribal effects

Image result for tribalism silhouette

What is tribalism? According to Webster it means “Loyalty to a tribe or social group especially when combined with strong negative feelings for people outside the group. “

There has been much talk since the election about Americans descending into tribalism. In other words defending your candidate and their issues and eschewing anything opposite those issues. It is almost always used as a pejorative to describe vitriol and closed mindedness, it doesn’t have to be. Tribalism can be ugly and irrational but the instinctive nature to defend the group/family/team is necessary for unity and support.

It is like a two stage (in my mind) descriptor. A little is understandable; a lot is nasty.

Tribalism is a social ill when the moral good of your side overrules any condemnation and laws get broken and truths ignored.We overlook the steroid abuse from our best hitter because he makes our team better. Also we ignore the abuse because there is a larger issue at stake…winning dammit! It is easy to see in sports across the entire country; most of us have a favorite team to root for. Tribalism isn’t a life or death matter (usually) in fandom but its effects can be observed in a hostile stadium or when scrolling Facebook after a huge loss. Try wearing a 49’ers jersey into CenturyLink Field (home of the Seahawks) and not expect some harassment.

Politics is a more serious battleground even though we Americans tend to exaggerate the extent. Does anyone really think the opposition party in the US is the same as opposition in Turkey? Or that being a Muslim in Omaha is the same as being a Christian in Aleppo? Comparisons aside we should put our ‘tribal’ differences in context and work up from there, admitting that our milder version is still intense. Tribalism is an instinct more than a learned behavior; an attack on a family member is an attack on the family despite their differences. Your brother may be guilty of running the red light and crashing into the bus hauling senior citizens to church, but he is still family.  

Tribalism is the natural reaction of defense and counter attack against an assault. So when the angry bus driver limps from the dented wreck and curses your brother while threatening mayhem, tribalism kicks in. Rational thinking allows the passenger, you, to watch stoically from the passenger seat as the furious driver approaches your vehicle swinging a tire iron. You aren’t rational though. You defend instinctively but defense is not approval. He wouldn't get within 10 feet of  your sibling without some effort to stop him. Besides the limp is slowing him down and you’re pretty sure he walked that way before the crash.

When tribalism pushes beyond reasonable limits it gets dangerous and starts taking truth hostage. This is where sports fans and political novices experience denial and conspiracy. Fake moon landings, airport terminals to hell and Mayan doomsday predictions all live here.   

Tom Brady just won a record fifth super bowl at the age of 39. This year was particularly impressive because he was suspended at the beginning for deflating footballs the previous season below the required level of air. It is unlikely that a few games with some under inflated footballs made much difference to such a great quarterback. He did it though. He cheated. The infraction was probably like most infractions at such a high level of competition, looking for an advantage no matter how slight. I know New Englanders don’t think much of the charge. How about the rest of us?

Probably the best answer is that he cheated with the footballs last year but it had a marginal impact on the game. Patriots are a well-coached juggernaut of Super Bowl excellence and Brady is as efficient a superstar as exists. He wins with different receivers practically every year. He was punished by sitting out a few games this year and paying his due. Tribalism that goes too far insists the footballs were under inflated by the NFL to make the Pats look bad. And that neither the Patriots nor Tom Brady had anything to do with it. It was all an NFL conspiracy because the league hates New England. The last part may be true but the cheating IS consistent with this team. Sorry.

Similarly, when president Trump gets attacked by a writer or talking head from cable news I go into defense mode. Why is this? Is it because I truly believe Trump to be correct in every case? Not at all. Is the reporter being unfair or dishonest? Not always. I suppose I defend because leaders need support from a constant attacking horde. Also I voted for Trump. He is my guy. When the Democrats are in the White House the situation reverses and I can think of almost nothing admirable from that opposition party. They are simply advancing the football in the other direction. There are always a few times when I’ll agree with the Left or even grudgingly admit to a persuasive argument.

In sports and politics we support those on our side like family. As long as we stay honest about our biases and never excuse illegality tribalism will be an understandable instinct. When tribalism forces us to burn the store down so the cops won’t find the bodies,  we’ve crossed a line.

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