common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Swamp Ruckus


Today supporters of the president stormed the security zones around the Capital building and broke in. This was a critical day in the election process, January 6. The Vice President is also the president of the Senate and as such presides over the electoral vote submission. Most of the time this is a moot point because election challenges are completed before the electoral college meets. In most states recounts were not done and nearly every state official responsible for looking into valid complaints has dragged their feet. The election official in Georgia even released transcripts of his phone call to the press. That’s a real FU to Trump. So it’s been a difficult election to undo because the courts have ignored the challenges.

Trump gave a rousing speech to his supporters just before Pence agreed to receive the electors from each state. Trump was hoping he would reject the fraudulent ones like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia. He didn’t, which reminds me why we elected 45 in the first place. There just isn’t the will to call fraud what it is and back up your words with action. Pence is a nice man. He’s Christian who probably cares more about process than doing the hard thing. The problem is you’ve lost a good number of patriots who don’t see the point of voting anymore. Trump brought a lot of patriots into the Republican Party who want to see the country thrive again. He didn’t make apologies for promoting American interest and he didn’t care who thought he was a racist. He isn’t of course, but such is the time we live in. Because of that, all of Washington hates him and can’t wait till he leaves.

I saw a picture of some of the Trump supporters that stormed the Capitol and posed for a snapshot. Those guys didn’t look like Trump people to me at all. They look like hippies who you’d expect to see at an inner city riot-more like left wing rent a mobs. I won’t say real Trump supporters didn’t do anything but already I’m starting to question whether or not this ‘storming’ business was really spontaneous. I kind of doubt it. This type of takeover of a country can only be stopped by prayer.

I heard what I believe was something from the Holy Spirit today. He said that non-political problems require non-political solutions. In other words the lawlessness, assault on truth, murder of the innocent is a spiritual problem and not a political one. First comes the spirit and then comes the action. This is true for good and evil, we respond to the spirit that impacts us. It affects our mood and opinions and behavior. Whether you realize it or not we are at war in the spirit for the soul of the nation. The stuff that plays out on TV is staged in a lot of cases to sell a point of view. No I don’t mean to say that nothing is real and that we’re in some kind of “matrix” program.

Once you realize that protestors often get paid to show up and hurl bricks through windows it changes your perception on everything. In cities where riots are frequent, we’ve seen bricks being conveniently left lying near storefronts, pallets of them. I saw one video outside of Portland where the rioters had row after row of tents to sleep in when they weren’t breaking and burning. This tells me that a small army of rebels is being paid to conduct mayhem. I think it was from Project Veritas but I’m not sure.

We know how this game is played and that’s why I’m not ruling out that the actors in today’s debacle were not what they appeared to be. I’ve been praying since the end of the election for God to show up. He fights our battles after all. I’m encouraged by the intercessors and their constant pressing in to God’s purpose. We want to see this nation be restored to Him and deal swiftly with the scoundrels that stole the election and tried to run a coup on Trump. American elections will continue after Trump whatever happens to his 2nd term. What will be the state of them? Will patriots seize back control and ensure free and fair elections, or are we done with all of that honesty business? I’m confident that America will recover her freedom and accountability.  

Another benefit to this craziness is that Church is getting stronger. I heard Lance Wallnau say this yesterday and it made so much sense. The struggle we are in now is a time for churches to get strong in intercessory prayer. They were too weak to fight this upcoming battle (spiritual) but today they’ve gotten stronger. You can’t grow without adversity.


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