common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Golf Dumps Trump


Everything is politics.

 I’ve mentioned numerous times that I’m off sports for a while. In a less political time, when corporate brands like the NFL and MLB aren’t so woke I’ll tune in. I put the golf channel on at work because it’s the least political of all. During this season the pros are all over the world playing in warm locals like Hawaii and Bermuda. No matter the time of year there always seems to be a tournament or a camera crew covering some club course on the ocean. Golf isn’t even a favorite sport of mine, but the commentary is mostly focused on the sport. Yesterday the head of the PGA announced via zoom that they were terminating the agreement to play the PGA Championship at Trump National in Bedford, New Jersey in 2022.

I guess the crackdown has begun in earnest.

Everywhere I look I see weakness in the face of opposition and I’m sick of it. It doesn’t affect my life where the event is played and most people probably don’t care. But that’s another thing, even the minor stuff gets the Jacobin treatment. No event or issue is beyond the censors, or avoids cancelation due to wrong think and wrong deeds. What kills me is that too many leaders of organizations don’t get it. They aren’t willing to draw lines around their industries and tell everyone else to pound sand. They give and give and give until the company isn’t theirs anymore. Of course with these corporate entities running everything the idea of true private business with decision making ability is mostly gone.

Most are subsidiaries of this conglomerate or that global brand.

Last year Chik fil A pulled a similar move. They were brave stalwarts in the fight against left wing mobs trying to keep them out of large cities. But even they changed their policy on donations just a bit. You probably didn’t even notice. Instead of those icky Christian ones with traditional notions of marriage they opted for ‘approved’ ones instead. Salvation Army was left in the wind, isolated by their faith and left to fend for themselves when the chicken magnet moved on like a jilted lover.

Every company above a certain size is subject to intense pressure to conform to either bullshit mask mandates or social distancing craziness. The news keeps reporting “surging” cases while the fear factor grows ever stronger in the minds of already fearful people. There are cases of local restaurants in states that have ordered businesses closed of pure rebellion. Thank God for locals with courage. My cousin told me about a cafĂ© in Illinois that’s so far rejected calls to close up. People get cold and flu and even Covid and still manage to get by. I had it. I was quite sick too. I could never imagine asking others to wear a mask around me.

My health is my responsibility; ditto to you and yours.

How much corruption did the dirty crooks in DC get up to while we were all worrying about social distancing? 

Something tells me it was a lot. Trump was a rock amidst a sea of sand castles. Sticking your neck out is costly as Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are about to find out. But Senators braving the mob is one thing. We almost expect the left wing ascending pricks to go after them and their families. We don’t, until this year, expect private citizens and TV hosts and bloggers to be de-platformed for expressing contrary opinions. Not racist opinions either, but regular conservative or Christian ideas about religion and sex and identity.

The lack of stones among every corner of industry and government means I’ve been praying and trying to sort out my own spiritual walk with the Lord. I need to get some issues in order in my own life or become a slave for all time. Maybe exposure is at the heart of this reluctance from these leaders to stand against the rising tide of oppression.

Their past might get some unwanted attention, suddenly they become the victims of their own bravery. I wouldn’t be surprised to find some unpleasant revelations about both Cruz and Hawley. If you have to surrender this much though why bother? What benefit could you possibly get from abrogating your soul to this evil woke mob? The professional class is going to have to re-think their chosen career in the coming months or suffer some kind of rejection of Trumpism, conservatism, Christianity.

 I’d rather shovel shit in a labor camp then be told, in a free country, what I was allowed to talk about.

Sports used to be a healthy distraction but no longer. Maybe it’s time we all spent more time paying closer attention to the world around us and quit patronizing the industries that hate us.

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