common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Great Rush Limbaugh


I think the best remark about Rush Limbaugh today was this headline “The talent is returned”. 

Rush’s famous quip about himself was that he had “talent on loan from God”. And so he did, and we’ll never get to hear him shouting last minute instructions to Snerdly or the staff at EIB just as the show began. We’ll never hear another golf weekend anecdote or a complaint about the ‘drive by media’. We’ll never get another cigar recommendation or a ‘Renaldas Magnus’ reference.

I heard his wife Catherine start the show today and my heart sunk. I knew. We all knew.

 I clicked it off after they started doing ‘best of’ stuff. I just couldn’t bear it. It’s impossible to sum up the man’s influence on conservatism in America, the Republican Party and especially Trump. I think the best I can do is share my personal experience of his show and philosophy. I came to the show late. I don’t think I ever really listened to him in high school or even after. I remember segments of his TV show but I didn’t know anyone that listened to his radio show. It’s an age thing I guess. I can’t pinpoint the transition from general knowledge of the man to regular listener but it had to be shortly after my time in the Army. Let’s say 2001 to have a time frame.

I was splitting wood for a guy I knew from church. We did some landscaping as well and some odd deliveries, but I had more time in the car than ever before. His certainty in conservative values and American exceptionalism convinced me to come along for the ride. Day after day I started to pick up new information and a certain way of thinking critically about politics and information. He was articulate in the way he talked about media bias and the liberal slant it carried. This is a two way street of course. Conservative news also has heroes and villains but before Limbaugh the only source on the right was National Review. After him came other talk shows like Sean Hannity and TV networks like Fox News.

I might have come to conservatism at some point, via another source, but Rush was my gateway drug to politics.

 More than having my eyes opened to some new truth, he articulated what I instinctively thought about life. Here is a just a sample: hard work is key to success, let your passion drive you, personal liberty is the most important right. I picked these up from countless shows. The partisan politics he is known for is tied to his view of America’s founding and principles. He fought with the Democrat party and liberalism (later progressivism) because he believed it antithetical to the founding. He showed his audience how the Left worked to undermine personal liberties and traditional values. I always took his negative comments about Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and any other fill-in Democrats to be strictly in service of the cause.

I don’t believe he was a nasty person. Others will probably disagree but I can’t imagine him going after someone for a personal failing. Less than a year ago he mentioned Hunter Biden as someone who needed help, not someone who need be ridiculed for his drug problem. Rush also struggled with a prescription drug problem which caused him a lot of embarrassment in 2004. 

At the height of the election season (2020) he was averaging 45 to 50 million listeners a day. Those are incredible numbers and ones that probably won’t be duplicated for a long time. After listening for a while a certain comfortability set it with the format and his particular way of talking about current events, not just politics. Listening to Rush was never about waiting to form an opinion that aligned with the great man, it was more about hearing it through his particular world view. That kind of trust from the audience takes years to build up. I always felt like he gave an honest view of life—or at least the best vision of events he could offer.   

He was entertaining right up to the end and I’m sad that it’s over. There will never be another Rush Limbaugh and I’m grateful for the time I listened. I’m encouraged that so many millions of us learned about this great country from him.

Monday, February 15, 2021

America's Cold


I went to work for a few hours today. It’s Monday and we’ve just passed at least one milestone from my point of view, the temperature dropped below zero. I’ve been here for 13 years and it’s never been that cold. Some years it doesn’t even get below 30. Today and tomorrow, both below zero in the morning. I remember seeing it hit the single digits in 2011 when Tulsa experienced what people here refer to as ‘snowpacalypse’. My employer lost a week or more of deliveries and retail baseball sales which we never recovered that year. Back then the youth baseball teams were pouring into the store and loading up on bats, bags, cleats and every other kind of equipment we sold.

We didn’t move nearly as much that year. Amazing the effect of a really cold winter, the ripples are felt all over the state and the nation. Not to mention the already devastating Covid 19 year (the lost year) that is still keeping schools closed and a lot of states shut down. At this point it should be obvious that the lost businesses and lockdowns decreased individual freedom and transferred that liberty to the state. Individual states put serious restrictions in place that were unlawful. California and New York, the worst offenders, even had restrictions in place to keep families from gathering. But even here in Oklahoma the mask mandates put in place in cities did nothing to slow the spread of the virus.

What did finally slow it down? 

Apparently getting Trump out of office was the key. Almost immediately after the WHO (World Health Organization) changed the way cases were reported, on January 21 no less. What else happened that day? Joe Biden was sworn in as president, coincidence? Maybe not. The old method was causing a lot of false positives to make the spread of the disease seem much worse. WHO decided to lower the threshold for testing and viola! Cases started coming down almost immediately. I’m including the link to the news story because for more detail because it’s not really my expertise. But that’s just a recommendation you say. I found at least one state (Kansas) that changed their policy as well, even though it was almost 2 weeks before WHO’s press release. 

That tells me that a lot of these states and private labs knew how unreliable the above 35 measure was and went ahead anyway, making the case numbers spike. When the numbers spike local officials (technocrats) become little emperors, holding mid-day pressers and suggesting new mandates. They grind us down with statistics and numbers and expert recommendations that don’t make a lot of difference. They add their hot breath to the fear narrative that keeps pumping along like steam engine. Every time some new official or administrator or statistician speaks the machine gets more fuel. I got to the point where I despised the timid voice of our ‘nannie state’ mayor on radio and TV. I had to start clicking it off whenever they spoke.

Top politicians and health “experts” want to be seen doing something so they have meetings, essentially.

A lot of you probably have someone at work who loves meetings, adores them. They love presentations and information that could easily be put into an email. They love to take questions. That’s all that happened in 2020. The world caught a bad case of the flu and we had meetings about it.

I’m concerned about those careers that are lost for good. We can’t go on like this pretending that this Chinese virus is like Ebola. It’s not just the masks and the distancing that needs to end, it’s a general sense that all people are disease carriers. The forced isolation is bad news for people who need help; it’s causing depression and increasing suicide. We have new flu strains that pop up every few years and flu shot doesn’t kill them all. Why all the fuss about travel and distance and vaccines now? I don’t care how conspiratorial it sounds this has never felt right to me.

The question now is how does all shake out in the upcoming year? Do we all need to carry vaccine cards to travel and test every week? Do mayors and city councilors keep telling us to wear masks in public?

I believe Americans will get back to normal at some point and regain a sense of their personal autonomy and liberty. But it won’t happen without a strong rejection of technocrat politics. Weather can only set back business so much, but surrendering control to public officials is the end.   

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Elite Opening: China's American Defenders


To sum up this article from Lee Smith, the historic opening to China created a class of elites that prioritize their wealth and privilege over everything else.

 I saw a clip from Tucker Carlson where he interviewed Smith about the saturation of Chinese influence among  the elite. I’m getting tired of using the word elite. It’s assumed everyone has the same understanding about who this special group is but is that true? I’m not sure. The “elite” members of society run the gamut from business to government and entertainment to sports. Being rich is part of the deal but it’s more than just money. It’s access for yourself and your kids to the best life has to offer. Naturally it isn’t just here in America. Elites come from all over the world and really have more in common with each other than with their fellow countrymen. 

I'm not one for envy. I love the freedom we have to make a lot of money in this country and spend it how we like. It's always set America apart from the rest of the world. I don't begrudge people riches but I do have a problem with ingratitude. 

Lee Smith sounds almost jealous of elite success, but he makes a solid case that certain members of elite castes, in America, have thrown in their lot with the CCP at the expense of their countrymen. Did you notice Mark Cuban’s Dallas Mavericks stopped playing the national anthem for home games? That’s a good picture of elite arrogance, making money in this free country but disrespecting its traditions and culture. This kind of anti-Americanism used to be more hidden. No longer.

Trump was hated by the establishment and China. There is solid evidence that Beijing has a hand in stealing the election for Joe Biden as well. Did you see the Mike Lindell’s video? Ok so he’s not a polished operator. He lined up some expert analysis on the elections. CCP penetration of America is much farther along than I imagined but the self-censorship of the press is common in China, not so here.

For the new Top Gun movie with Tom Cruise, China sensors managed to blur a patch of Taiwan on Cruise’s jacket. But of course they did it. The Chinese market is a key mover of big budget films. What’s scary is to think how many similar moves have happened like this that we don’t even know about? Some producer notices a reference to the Tiananmen Square Massacre in a dialogue scene and decides to cut it before anyone sees it. That’s self-censorship and it’s how news runs in Xi Jinping’s country. Reporters just stay away from certain topics after a while, the party need not bother with a crack down.

Smith’s seminal moment for the US’s abandonment of principle was the famous détente arrangement by Henry Kissinger in the early seventies. The purpose was to have an ally opposite the Soviet Union. The access to China, which hadn’t existed before, made it possible for diplomats and business leaders to get rich. No one got rich in the seventies of course, China was still a very poor country. The promise of cheap labor and a vast market became too much to resist. One would have to ignore the treatment of communist leaders toward their people however. Maybe this was never a big deal. In the nineties the view from the State Department was that with economic growth comes liberty and prosperity and voting rights.

I remember buying pretty hard into this view as well. It worked in South Korea and Taiwan, why not China? Wasn't it worth a try?

 Lee Smith doesn’t believe this was ever the elite’s view. There was money to be made so they told themselves whatever they needed to. Senators like Diane Feinstein pushed for Most Favored Nation status at the WTO leading to full trade. Mitch McConnell’s connections to Chinese industry also run deep through his wife’s father. I’m not fully on board with the idea that elite’s sent our industry to China (purely) to enrich themselves. From a practical standpoint the costs to build and manufacture are significantly cheaper in countries with low wages. It might be cruel to send work to a place with slave worker conditions, but do the high taxes and regulations in the United States get any of the blame? 

If making t-shirts and socks in the United States becomes too expensive, it makes sense to find alternative sourcing. It’s too simplistic to say those SOB's took our jobs and gave them to the Chinese. There were very real wage and material cost concerns to keep producing them here. But greed was undoubtedly a motivator.

I think the article is a perfect summary of what’s wrong now. It doesn’t offer solutions and even suggests the reign of elite hegemony won’t last long. But with a pro-China White House it might be a while before the US de-couples like it should. The elites have thrown in with the Chinese leadership at the expense of American citizens. This won’t end well for them in the end.

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Shadow Knows


Time magazine (yes they’re still around) released a long form piece on the secret cabal in charge of keeping the election ‘honest’. That they needed to put millions (likely billions) of dollars into keeping the democratic process on track, shows me their true intentions. It was never to keep democracy alive. The effort to rig the election started with the mail in votes and they pretty much say so. No of course they don’t use the phrase “rig the election”. They’re much too clever for that. The term is “fortify” now.

The narrative goes like this. Trump represents a unique threat to democracy and as such needs to be blocked from running a campaign his own way. He’s such a devious fellow that orange man, he needed a full scale shadow campaign to oppose his treachery. The article isn’t clear on how Trump would cheat, I guess they still think the Russians maybe? It’s dotted with indications that Trump doesn’t like minorities or that he colluded in the first election. Most of these cheap shots are taken on faith.

The assumed treachery of the president portends the need for the coalition in the first place. These brave individuals sought to save truth, justice and democracy, as they understand it. How fortuitous that Time magazine was there for the story.

Here is a nice summary of the dirty deed.

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result. 

They “got states to change voting systems and laws”. This was illegal according to state constitutions. Only the legislatures can change the laws and the systems; they do it the same way that pass other laws, by voting on it. But the effort this time relied on judges in most cases or sympathetic governors like in Pennsylvania. When one decides to change an item they just do it. Damn the laws. This was the very thing that Texas tried to challenge at the Supreme Court. You can’t have states issuing decrees and wholesale changing how votes are counted.

When it says “They fended off voter suppression lawsuits” it doesn’t mean those lawsuits were bogus. It means they successfully stopped them from having an effect. But what of cases where Republicans were denied entry to view the ballot counting? We saw videos of this in Pennsylvania. nothing? Maybe that explains the next line about “recruiting armies of poll workers”. You know, kinda like the Union does when it wants to suppress a vote, it recruits armies of ‘persuasion artists’. Of course we know about the mail in votes and the numbers of dead casting ballots, also the unlikely percentage of eligible voters (85-90%) casting a vote. I’m looking at you Wisconsin.

“They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation”. Yeah I think I remember that. Actually it’s gotten worse on Twitter and Facebook for a lot of big names. Disinformation of course means anything that didn’t fit their pro-Biden shade. Who can forget watching the New York Post article about Hunter Biden get blocked right before a critical election? After the election they went ahead and let it go, the challenge to losing now just a memory.

“They executed national public awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days of weeks”. This was always bullshit. Third world countries manage to get their votes in the same day. Myanmar just arrested a group of officials for trying to steal the last election. How many European countries drag out vote counting over the course of a week? These irregularities and middle of the night shutdowns all signal fraud to me. Will it ever be believed?

The moral of the story is the deep state fought back with a massive coordinated effort to undermine a fair election. They couldn’t go another year with this ‘troublemaker’ at the helm. They found a willing army from both parties, mostly the left, that would do anything to get rid of him. This article is the proof that despite the soaring language about saving democracy the participants actually killed it. Just the thought of voting on anything again makes me queasy.  

The deep state sat down with Time and, Keyser Soze like, admitted to their crime in code. Because it’s so brilliant it demands to be shared.




Thursday, January 28, 2021

Isaiah 5: The Importance of the Vine


Isaiah 5

It’s not hard to find references to vineyards in the scripture. In I Kings Jezebel had a man killed over his vineyard so her husband, King Ahab could possess it. In Deuteronomy Moses reminds the owners of vineyards “not go over” their vines a second time but leave for the fatherless a portion. It is a perfect metaphor for God and His people, whether Israel or the ‘grafted in’ Christians after Christ’s resurrection. “I am the vine and you are the branches” (John 15:5). So it’s safe to say that grapes and wine and everything the vineyard represented was important to the people of Israel.

Isaiah begins verse 1 with a detailed description of cultivation “My Well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful hill. He dug it up and cleared out its stones, and planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst, and also made a winepress in it; so he expected to bring forth good grapes, but it brought forth wild grapes.”

The first thing I notice is the effort put into making this a world class crop. He uses the “choicest vine” and puts a tower in it. Why put a tower in a vineyard? I had to look this one up because it seems odd phrase unless I just really don’t know anything about agriculture. If you think of vineyards as wealth then make efforts to guard them. One source I read says enemies might burn it to the ground in a dispute, slash and burn agriculture is a warfare tactic to starve your enemies. So the tower is a watchtower for protection. 

We guard what’s important.

But this vineyard produced “wild grapes”. So what gives? All this effort and expense and the produce grows wild?  This is a picture of the God’s people and their behavior. He provides them with land and vineyards, protects them with towers and hedges and they fail to produce. Or more accurately, they produce of their own imaginations. The seeds of rebellion were not placed within the crop originally so something has gone wrong. 

Next comes the appeal “What more could have been done to my vineyard that I have not done in it?” (verse 5)

The next few verses describe the destruction of the vine by its creator. Even though we realize this represents the Children of Israel who have lost their way, we still want to know how. How did it all go so terribly wrong? How did something designed to produce fruit become corrupted along the way? Isaiah never gives us a clear answer or a direct blame, but there are clues sprinkled throughout that suggest to me greed is to blame.

 This being the Old Testament there is the usual list of Woes. “Woe to those who join house to house; they add field to field, till there is no place where they may dwell alone in the midst of the land!” I think this means buying up excessive land, forcing people out of homes and squeezing every crop for profit—like um…a grape.

“Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may follow intoxicating drink; who continue until night, till wine inflames them!” (verse 11) these aren’t people who know how to have a good time, they live to party and they revel in excess. What is at the heart of the matter here? This is what is meant by “wild grapes”. Their purpose is to produce a specific type of grape, specified by the instructions contained in the seed’s code. But they reject their inherent creation and grow according to their own understanding, pleasing the senses.

It’s interesting to me that Isaiah mentions drunkenness a few times in this chapter, presenting a perfect picture of how vineyards get abused. But the drunkenness and anomie of his day are symptoms of greed. They don’t exist as often in a society wrecked by famine or those coming out of a long war. Party culture requires a wealthy base first, but it quickly goes off the rails if the core issues aren’t addressed.

In Isaiah’s day and probably ours as well, greed explains a lot of the excess living. Greed is trying to get more out of a thing than it’s able to produce. The result is uneven growth and wild behavior. But God who is gracious and unrelenting calls out to His people to change. He still uses prophets, but now we have the Holy Spirit. We receive our sustenance from the vine and nowhere else.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Taiwan's Uncertain Future


Among the many leaders around the globe, Tsia Ing-Wen will certainly miss Trump.

On the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration the Chinese military flew jets into Taiwan’s airspace. The size of the fleet made it a much bigger provocation then the usual fighter jet sortie. It was probably an aggressive ‘show of force’ display meant to see how Biden’s team would react. In other words, can we trust Joe to interfere?

The State Department did issue a pro forma statement of support for Taiwan but those don't carry weight.

For those who need a quick refresher on Taiwan, here is the 2 cent version. After World War II the nationalist government was run out of China by the Communists and Mao Ze Dong. The United States supported the nationalist government of the Kuomintang (KMT) and their leader Chiang Kai Shek. But the better organized Communists pushed the nationalists out in 1949. Chiang Kai Shek’s forces were no match and key members of the court were moved to Taiwan.

Taipei became the seat of the government of China. The United States recognized this group as the official government of China in exile but abandoned the position in 1979 under Jimmy Carter. The Communist Party were as good as rebels, but as the years went on in became difficult to pretend the real leaders of China were in Taipei. So who was in Beijing? A policy called “One China” became the framework for diplomacy with the United States. It recognizes that China or the PRC (People’s Republic of China) is a sovereign state and the only government of the Chinese people. The US stops short of saying that Taiwan is part of China, putting them in a difficult situation.

Imagine if Hawaii had a government that didn’t answer to Washington DC and had independent arms deals with foreign countries? This is how Beijing sees Taiwan, as a member of the motherland that’s acting rebelliously. I’m not completely sure how modern Taiwanese see their country in relation to China, but the old KMT wanted eventual reunification. Newer parties like the DPP, of which current president Tsai Ing Wen leads, prefer distance if not actual independence from Beijing.

The Biden administration will certainly favor closer ties with Beijing, if not only because it’s closer to the Washington consensus. In other words, that’s how it was before Trump came in and realigned the posture towards China to an adversarial one. It was necessary to get tough with the Chinese. They’ve been belligerent toward our navy in the Straits and all over the South China Sea, which despite the name is within the territory of the Beijing government. Those are international waters. Early last year they sunk a Vietnamese fishing boat and harassed others by bringing their navy as escorts to commercial fishing vessels. China claims the whole (nearly) of the South China Sea, but no one else does. Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines also have territorial claims to at least what surrounds their coastlines.

Anyone can make a claim to anything but if there is no force to back up the claim? Well., sorry but it’s not yours. This is what’s at the heart of so many diplomatic disputes over territories, not just in China but all over the world. Might is always right. For all of the talk about international organizations and treaties, without a strong country like the US underwriting the liberal views it all goes away. The International Criminal Court in the Netherlands ruled against China’s claims to the sea. “Oh No! not the ICC at the Hague! I guess we’ll rethink our actions now!”

China’s reaction was exactly how America would have responded. They ignored it.

Without an assertive navy who would ensure the laws of the sea and free navigation? International courts are joke because they lack an enforcement mechanism. But we’ve told ourselves for too long that the world is now governed by these agreements--would that it were true. The Biden administration won’t likely change policy toward Taiwan on paper. All the regular agreements will be there, but they won’t resist Beijing’s encroachment. This is what I think the recent ‘show of force’ was, a test case for a new administration with a much softer take on Sino relations.

Why will Tsai miss Trump? Because he kept an assertive China on their heels by sending envoys and diplomats to Taiwan. In the last days of the administration they even sent the UN ambassador to Taipei, angering the Chinese even more! That’s likely more about sticking the new Biden administration with another potential row though. I guess I’m going to miss Trump too.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tumultuous Times


This feels like a tumultuous time in the country right now. 

Only one day left until Joe Biden takes over as the country’s executive. I don’t think I like the sound of the phrase “country’s executive” much. Not because it’s Joe but because it feels business-like instead of public service like. There is nothing about the leader of the armed forces in it either. Presidents wear many hats and probably have a lot more power than ever before. I’m not sure when this changed dramatically but there can be no doubt that president’s since FDR (best guess) wield much more authority relative to their congressional counterparts.

I mostly side with Congress in generic terms, because bills originate in the House. But these last few years have shown me what a populist president can get accomplished even with a recalcitrant House. Trump had an incredible amount of pressure from both parties in his first two years. He was under investigation which gave cover to politicians to not work with him. Lest we forget how much the despicable Mueller Report cost in time and money.

 Reports in the press on a nightly basis with the lead phrases like ‘It’s all starting to unravel” or “It’s just the tip of the iceberg” became exhaustingly normal. Even then they managed to put a tax cut through. He cut regulations dramatically and took a very hard line against illegal immigration. He forced the Chinese to sign new trade agreements with quotas to buy agriculture from the US. He reimagined NAFTA even if the fixes were minimal.

I’m not too keen on Congress being the big dog anymore. The legislative branch writes the laws and the executive enforces them. But Congress is all too happy to surrender their proper role to a big daddy in chief, whoever he happens to be. They can run home to their voters and complain about big government while raising money on stopping the president. They’d rather not bother with laws. That’s a lot of work. Better to exploit cultural issues and try to get on TV. Besides, lobby groups really write these laws anyway. Even the sharpest elected representatives can’t wade through all the pages and restrictions. These bills are monstrous. I’d rather they not do anything for a year. I’m usually the one rooting for shutdown at the end of the year when they need to raise the debt ceiling. Just everyone in government, minus the military, stay home for a year and stop working.

The back and forth between the two branches of government was inevitable. The founders knew how to play these strongholds off against each other. The genius of the Constitution is in allowing for ambitious men to pursue their interests, while setting up ways to hem them in. How best to hold back a bully? Appeal to his sense of decency and restraint? No chance. You get another bully and make them play in the same yard. This is how the two legislative branches keep each other restrained. The divisiveness doesn’t bother me as much as others. I’m an agreeable sort of guy, but a smooth running government means we’re all getting screwed. I worry very much about the increasing talk of forced vaccines. 

I’m not particularly bothered by vaccines as a method of controlling viruses; but a lot of people (my mom included) want the ability to take care of their own health. America has never restricted religious liberty in this way and to do so now would be a step too far. I would probably refuse to take them on the basis that forced medical treatment is slavery.  I don’t care if it seems nutty to refuse a vaccination. An individual’s health is a private matter. Besides, in the case of Corona we are talking about a flu bug. It’s another strain of flu but instead of calling in flu 19 we call it Covid 19. We never locked down or told people to wear masks during the swine flu outbreak. Something else is up and I suspect it’s political. We’re all conspiracy theorists now.

I’m for following the constitution and letting both bullies jostle for space. But if both groups disregard religious liberty, personal freedom and right to privacy than we’re all in trouble anyway.

The written document’s that’s governed our lives since 1789 only works on a moral people. When the majority is crooked than only God can fix the mess and the best laid plans of mice and men are for naught.