common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Shadow Knows


Time magazine (yes they’re still around) released a long form piece on the secret cabal in charge of keeping the election ‘honest’. That they needed to put millions (likely billions) of dollars into keeping the democratic process on track, shows me their true intentions. It was never to keep democracy alive. The effort to rig the election started with the mail in votes and they pretty much say so. No of course they don’t use the phrase “rig the election”. They’re much too clever for that. The term is “fortify” now.

The narrative goes like this. Trump represents a unique threat to democracy and as such needs to be blocked from running a campaign his own way. He’s such a devious fellow that orange man, he needed a full scale shadow campaign to oppose his treachery. The article isn’t clear on how Trump would cheat, I guess they still think the Russians maybe? It’s dotted with indications that Trump doesn’t like minorities or that he colluded in the first election. Most of these cheap shots are taken on faith.

The assumed treachery of the president portends the need for the coalition in the first place. These brave individuals sought to save truth, justice and democracy, as they understand it. How fortuitous that Time magazine was there for the story.

Here is a nice summary of the dirty deed.

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result. 

They “got states to change voting systems and laws”. This was illegal according to state constitutions. Only the legislatures can change the laws and the systems; they do it the same way that pass other laws, by voting on it. But the effort this time relied on judges in most cases or sympathetic governors like in Pennsylvania. When one decides to change an item they just do it. Damn the laws. This was the very thing that Texas tried to challenge at the Supreme Court. You can’t have states issuing decrees and wholesale changing how votes are counted.

When it says “They fended off voter suppression lawsuits” it doesn’t mean those lawsuits were bogus. It means they successfully stopped them from having an effect. But what of cases where Republicans were denied entry to view the ballot counting? We saw videos of this in Pennsylvania. nothing? Maybe that explains the next line about “recruiting armies of poll workers”. You know, kinda like the Union does when it wants to suppress a vote, it recruits armies of ‘persuasion artists’. Of course we know about the mail in votes and the numbers of dead casting ballots, also the unlikely percentage of eligible voters (85-90%) casting a vote. I’m looking at you Wisconsin.

“They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation”. Yeah I think I remember that. Actually it’s gotten worse on Twitter and Facebook for a lot of big names. Disinformation of course means anything that didn’t fit their pro-Biden shade. Who can forget watching the New York Post article about Hunter Biden get blocked right before a critical election? After the election they went ahead and let it go, the challenge to losing now just a memory.

“They executed national public awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days of weeks”. This was always bullshit. Third world countries manage to get their votes in the same day. Myanmar just arrested a group of officials for trying to steal the last election. How many European countries drag out vote counting over the course of a week? These irregularities and middle of the night shutdowns all signal fraud to me. Will it ever be believed?

The moral of the story is the deep state fought back with a massive coordinated effort to undermine a fair election. They couldn’t go another year with this ‘troublemaker’ at the helm. They found a willing army from both parties, mostly the left, that would do anything to get rid of him. This article is the proof that despite the soaring language about saving democracy the participants actually killed it. Just the thought of voting on anything again makes me queasy.  

The deep state sat down with Time and, Keyser Soze like, admitted to their crime in code. Because it’s so brilliant it demands to be shared.




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