This feels like a tumultuous time in the country right now.
Only one day left until Joe Biden takes over as the country’s executive. I
don’t think I like the sound of the phrase “country’s executive” much. Not
because it’s Joe but because it feels business-like instead of public service like. There is nothing about the leader of the armed forces in it either.
Presidents wear many hats and probably have a lot more power than ever before.
I’m not sure when this changed dramatically but there can be no doubt that
president’s since FDR (best guess) wield much more authority relative to their
congressional counterparts.
I mostly side with Congress in generic terms, because bills
originate in the House. But these last few years have shown me what a populist
president can get accomplished even with a recalcitrant House. Trump had an
incredible amount of pressure from both parties in his first two years. He was
under investigation which gave cover to politicians to not work with him. Lest
we forget how much the despicable Mueller Report cost in time and money.
Reports in the press
on a nightly basis with the lead phrases like ‘It’s all starting to unravel” or
“It’s just the tip of the iceberg” became exhaustingly normal. Even then they
managed to put a tax cut through. He cut regulations dramatically and took a
very hard line against illegal immigration. He forced the Chinese to sign new
trade agreements with quotas to buy agriculture from the US. He reimagined
NAFTA even if the fixes were minimal.
I’m not too keen on Congress being the big dog anymore. The
legislative branch writes the laws and the executive enforces them. But Congress is all too happy to surrender their proper role to a big daddy in
chief, whoever he happens to be. They can run home to their voters and complain
about big government while raising money on stopping the president. They’d
rather not bother with laws. That’s a lot of work. Better to exploit cultural
issues and try to get on TV. Besides, lobby groups really write these laws
anyway. Even the sharpest elected representatives can’t wade through all the pages
and restrictions. These bills are monstrous. I’d rather they not do anything
for a year. I’m usually the one rooting for shutdown at the end of the year
when they need to raise the debt ceiling. Just everyone in government, minus
the military, stay home for a year and stop working.
The back and forth between the two branches of government
was inevitable. The founders knew how to play these strongholds off against each
other. The genius of the Constitution is in allowing for ambitious men to
pursue their interests, while setting up ways to hem them in. How best to hold
back a bully? Appeal to his sense of decency and restraint? No chance. You get
another bully and make them play in the same yard. This is how the two
legislative branches keep each other restrained. The divisiveness doesn’t
bother me as much as others. I’m an agreeable sort of guy, but a smooth running
government means we’re all getting screwed. I worry very much about the
increasing talk of forced vaccines.
I’m not particularly bothered by vaccines as a method of
controlling viruses; but a lot of people (my mom included) want the ability to
take care of their own health. America has never restricted religious liberty
in this way and to do so now would be a step too far. I would probably refuse
to take them on the basis that forced medical treatment is slavery. I don’t care if it seems nutty to refuse a
vaccination. An individual’s health is a private matter. Besides, in the case
of Corona we are talking about a flu bug. It’s another strain of flu but
instead of calling in flu 19 we call it Covid 19. We never locked down
or told people to wear masks during the swine flu outbreak. Something else is
up and I suspect it’s political. We’re all conspiracy theorists now.
I’m for following the constitution and letting both bullies
jostle for space. But if both groups disregard religious liberty, personal
freedom and right to privacy than we’re all in trouble anyway.
The written document’s that’s governed our lives since 1789
only works on a moral people. When the majority is crooked than only God can
fix the mess and the best laid plans of mice and men are for naught.