Humanities used to be the study of art, religion, politics,
law and a host of other disciplines through the lens of the human experience.
There was a critical thinking component wrapped around each discipline
like the snakes on a caduceus. Today the humanities are overrun with identity
politics and post modernism is wrapped snake like around the institution.
When I was in college I was told to expose myself to all
sorts of ideas I didn’t agree with. I didn’t begrudge that notion. I did the work and
never had a professor say that I must interpret the reading in a particular
way. They clearly had their own biases but I didn’t feel pressure to follow
their prescription. As long as my work made sense and hit the necessary grammar
rules I argued my point in papers and in class.
My professors weren’t
vicious or unfair, I didn’t think. Some were Marxist to the core but I never felt I'd fail out of their class for having different opinions. On one occasion I wrote a review of a bell
hooks article and criticized her pretty hard. The professor wrote “Whoaaaa!” in
the margins but nothing else. I don’t know how much that is the same for
everyone but my experience wasn’t too bad.
I wouldn’t recommend liberal arts at a public university
now. After reading Jordan Peterson and watching Dave Rubin I’m convinced that
universities need a high pressure washing to clean out the buildup of
nonsensical studies or a complete system overhaul. Kids exit college
with a degree in Inuit peoples studies or trans identity and culture. Humanities
departments are stuffed full of silly courses with fill in the blank identity
A few years ago three professors worried about approval of silly
woke topics in the academy put together a hoax to prove it out. They created
fake research papers to see if the journals would accept the topics. They
managed to get 7 of 20 through before the scam (called Sokal Squared) was discovered, some were still
in committee. My favorite paper was on rape culture in Portland dog parks. They
must have had a good laugh.
This wasn’t some band of Baptist ministers concerned with
the moral health of the colleges either. These are all liberal, free thinking,
teachers who are concerned with the direction of higher education. Boghossian
is a philosophy professor himself. He is also concerned with academic rigor or
lack thereof at the university level. The colleges did not take this well. They
got egg on their face and instead of tightening up standards of the journals
that publish ‘research’ they attacked the messengers.
I’m not in higher education so my knowledge on the best way
forward is limited. I think we have to tear it down in a metaphorical sense.
The three hoaxers seem to believe it can be saved. My best guess is
higher education sits atop a debris pile of bad philosophy. Jordan Peterson
calls it post modernism, or the idea that the systems, institutions, and hierarchies
are social constructs. Every system you observe from the family to the
church and even corporations are arranged by power players. In this world power
is the currency and identity is a wedge to separate. Even gender is a
construct, reinforced by the patriarchy to keep people in place.
When you view every human nature and language as artificial
you see competing power structures in everything. Everything is political. NBA
stars use basketball to promote their woke agendas. Disney remakes include
empowered females (see Lion King, Aladdin). Comic books from Marvel include new
“government assigned mentors”, Safespace and Snowflake, How fun? This isn’t
parody. How does post modernism bubble up through pop culture? By redefining
norms found in human nature.
Post modernism explains the trouble with gender confusion
and pronoun requirements.
These aren’t healthy aspects of a vibrant and free
people. Human nature doesn’t change because you change the words. Yes there are
always oddities to life but they are rare. People who feel they are in the
wrong body need help. If post modernism is the culprit than it is a monstrous
philosophy that cares nothing for human life and sound reasoning.
Even from a practical point of view, a philosophy built on
shifting sand falls apart quickly. How
does a psychiatrist steeped in post modernism direct a patient with gender
dysphoria? I’m using gender dysphoria because it’s a real mental condition
people seek treatment for and we seem to have an explosion of it today. But we
know on some level they are being told “gender is a construct”. This is just
one example but you can image the long term damage to hurting people who get
poor advice.
The foundations of our ideas should be concrete, same as a
home or tall building. The foundations in higher education will eventually fall
apart because they aren’t real. Can we stop it before it collapses on us, or can
we restart in some way with a saner approach?
If the humanities are to be saved at the universities
they’ll have to get back to first principles starting with the statement “Human
nature is unchanging throughout history” and go from there.
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