I find myself praying for the country quite a bit lately.
I’m getting more conspiratorial
with every passing day. After what happened with the totally fabricated Russian
collusion hoax I think anything is possible.
Information spills out
about the fraud every day. The lies began with the FISA warrants to surveil the
Trump campaign in 2016, the election year. Worst of all, the mainstream media
pushed Russia collusion nonsense for all 3 years. Actively campaigning to
splash Democrat lies across the TV screens. They were a part of the biggest
scam in American political history and every day that passes shows just how
deep the rot went.
If the lies about the
Vietnam War weakened the trust Americans had in their government the Russia
collusion hoax might completely break it.
From Obama to the
intelligence apparatus and the Mueller report, they were all a part of the corruption. If
the Justice Department does it right than they should all go to jail. Americans
who go up against the FBI don’t stand a chance. The same standard should apply
when the FBI goes up against the American people. That’s what happened by the
way. A cabal of elite DC insiders acted to undermine the election of a sitting
president. Why? Because he is a bully? Because he doesn’t come from their
class, education? Because he isn’t schooled in the right way to act? Because he
fires up Twitter and swings back at every slight?
The FISA abuse will peel back the onion on the false Russia
narrative into a plan that takes down a lot of intelligence people and former
officials. I’m waiting to see who flips first and starts dishing dirt.
Is there more going on in Ukraine as it concerns American
politicians? I assume it’s like Cuba was in the fifties before Castro came in
and threw out the mafia. Corruption defined the island country like Cohibas and humidity. It’s a pure guess on my part but I think
Ukraine is another place where the political class hides money. I read a story
just today that showed the former Ambassador to Ukraine (Marie Yovanovitch) who
testified she only had scant knowledge about Burisma (company Hunter Biden
worked for). The article shows records of her meeting with top officials on the
board, whoops. Ukraine isn’t even part of the Russia collusion stuff but might
open up yet another window into deep fraud.
How does it happen that Congressman and Congresswomen become
so wealthy when they leave office? We know what their salaries are, it’s public
record. But they all seem to have charities and nonprofits that the wealthy can
‘donate’ to. This isn’t new. We know what’s going on but it’s technically legal.
Where it is corrupt, it’s hardly worth the effort and time to go after. The
best thing that could come of this effort to get Trump is exposure, in all of its ugliness. The Justice Department needs to drip, drip, drip the fraud out in
weekly segments the way the Russia story unfolded on cable news every night.
Trump has said this should never happen again. I think in
order to do it we need to see jail time. I understand the problem with
persecuting the previous administration. It threatens making it a permit
feature of our elections. The next guy in puts together a team and goes after
Trump and his crew on some dumb process crimes just to even the score. But
without the rule of law, what are we doing? Is it really better to let this attack
on democracy go unpunished? Doing so would just encourage another level of
corruption and further until the only ones left in DC, and any government,
would be gangsters in suits and ties. These gangsters would run away with the
wealth of the country and protect themselves through the courts. Some think we
are already there.
The unknown factor in this sordid Russia thing is how much
of an appetite the American people have for this. The drip, drip, drip of
crimes could put people off so much that they just tune out. I wouldn’t blame
them. The full scandal must be shown or we lose a further connection to our
democratic republic and the “deep state” becomes a very real thing and not just
a punchline.
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