common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Did Christ Descend into Hell?


This being Easter weekend my thoughts are on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s not a coincidence that the Holy Spirit had me research the topic of what Jesus did in the time after he died and rose again. I’m becoming a little more scholarly in my reading of the Bible over the last year or so. No I’m not reading the New Testament in Greek, or the Old Testament in Hebrew. But I’m more curious than before; the curiosity leads me to do a little study to find out what’s in the Bible that I haven’t encountered before.

My question for today: Did Christ decent into the lower parts of the earth after death and free the imprisoned souls from Abraham’s bosom? I think the short answer is No. I ran across a few dissenting views that assumed Paul’s phrase in Ephesians 4:8 was a reference to the birth of Christ. “When He ascended on high, He took many captives and gave many gifts to His people.” It’s originally found in Psalm 68:18, Paul also adds “He ascended” –what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?’

I think the when it says ‘He descended’ it’s a reference to Christ going to Sheol (Old Testament Hades) to rescue the imprisoned captives. But the Zondervan opinion I read gave a convincing definition that Paul is talking about Christ coming to earth as an infant. That’s the “descended” part of it. It’s based on the definition of the phrase from Psalm. Instead of “lower parts of the earth” it should, according to this opinion, say “lower parts which are the earth. I didn’t check on the Greek to verify so I’ll have to take his word for it.

Of course that changes it significantly from something below the earth, like Sheol, to just another word for earth.

The second verse scholars point to is from I Peter 3:18-20.

 “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits— 20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water.”

Who are the imprisoned spirits? According to Zondervan the best explanation is that Christ in Spirit, was preaching to the hostile people during Noah’s time. This is a paraphrase of what Augustine said, according to the Zondervan passage. It’s not convincing to me though because God the Father used prophets to preach to the unbelievers. I’m unaware of another passage that describes Christ preaching in spirit before His time. God had other means of sharing with people.

But if I take this passage to mean that Christ went to hell to preach to the imprisoned spirits, are they the spirits of men or of demons? They can’t be angels because angels can’t sin. Demons fell with Lucifer so I don’t think this is about them. It’s unclear what he is preaching to them though. He does make a proclamation. That sounds to me like a new statement of principles. From this day forward and so on.

I remember my Dad telling me that Jesus went to hell and took to the keys of Hades and death from Satan. You might read that in Revelation 1:18 where Jesus tells John “I have the keys of Hades and Death.” It was the first time I’d thought about it. I just assumed He died and rose again, with nothing happening in those days between His death and resurrection. But even if Jesus met with the Father, To be absent from the body is to present with the Lord, it doesn’t really make a difference. It doesn’t change what He did.

But this added element of Jesus telling the thief, “Today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43) doesn’t sound like Heaven necessarily. Is Paradise not Abraham’s Bosom, the place near Hades that souls of the righteous departed await the resurrection? In Luke 16:19-31 the story of the rich man who spots Abraham and asks him to send Lazarus to dip his fingers in water, is suffering in Hades. Abraham refuses because of the life the rich man led, but also because of the gulf that resides between both dimensions. “…between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.” Here was a resource I used that supported the claim Christ descended into hell. 

This section of Luke provides the scriptural basis for a holding realm. At least some people think it does. They also believe that Jesus was saying to the thief, I’ll see you there with the others who are awaiting My victory. After reading some of the supposed passages that support Christ’s descent into hell, I’m less convinced that it went down this way. But like always, I’ll wait for other revelations or interpretations of scripture.

Most of this is esoteric stuff but it interests me just the same. I own a book called Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem. It’s a rich source of Christian beliefs with a scriptural grounding. I won’t say I subscribe to all of it but it gives me a foundation place to start.

Monday, April 11, 2022

About Time for Leisure Time


Leisure's Great Deception

We all spend our free time doing what's most important to us. It changes with age, money and family station every few years. The recognition that time is short forces us to jettison stuff for relationships. 

I had dinner with some friends at church. It was one of those volunteer meals where the church rewards its helpers by putting on a spread. The feast was a Tex Mex buffet, tortilla shells, beef, shrimp and chicken. Not to mention Tres Leches cake. Most of us ate too much. When you offer free food in mass quantities folks take notice.

I’m new to this crew but dinner makes it easier to make friends. One man I talked to has a freelance photography side hustle. Business has been slow with Covid but starting to recover. I told him how I wish someone would help me with my pictures. I always regret taking the ones I do. I don’t’ realize it until I’m ready to put them in a frame. By then it’s too late.

If I just had more time I’d like to learn to take pictures, I’d be great.

I told him that but I’m sure he was like, ‘yeah I get that a lot’. Everyone wants good photos but few of us want to put in the time. It’s easier than it used to be with the digital cameras.  I never had a camera that needed film but I remember watching my parents struggle to load the roll properly and lock down the lid.

Never Enough

Wanting to get better at taking pictures made me think about how many other things I’d like to be good at if time were no option. I never learned Chinese enough to tell anyone I can speak it. I’d settle for an elementary level vocabulary and understanding. That’s quite a lot actually. Any foreigner with an elementary level of Mandarin will go far in China. I like tennis too. But my skill level is somewhere between aggressive toddler and “You might be better suited for Rugby, Sir”. Remember Melos from Seinfeld? He would destroy me. I’d like to spend a couple of hours every week improving my game.

Throw in Golf too. I want to improve my game. Anytime I hear a sermon from an unfamiliar Bible verse it reminds me that I haven’t studied the scriptures enough. An extra hour every day would go a long way toward helping my grasp of the Old Testament at least. Two hours extra should help for the Now. I would need a few extra weeks each year strictly for travel. There are so many places I’ve never been in the US. It’s not fair. Two weeks per year would be enough I think, throw in another week for international travel.

Level Field

Time is the great equalizer. Someone said that. I could look it up I suppose, but would the quote be rightly attributed anyway? It’s a safe bet that no one under the age of 40 said it. At a certain point in life you realize what everyone realizes, you only have so much time. A wealthy landowner lives as long as a high school teachers. Your hobbies and interests will follow your priorities. If you consistently put your golf game ahead of attending your kids’ track meet you’ve established priorities. Same for going to the track meet, it’s in the priorities. They’re different for every person.

In our modern society we have cheat codes that allow us to focus on certain events at the expense of others. A whole range of service industries exist to take care of life’s chores. Lawn mowers and carpenters, auto mechanics, accountants, dog washers, dog walkers, all allow a sort of cheat. The service economy keeps expanding and providing us with options, if not more time. Of course we can’t pay for all of them so we prioritize some more. The ones who order food deliver might never pay for a dog walker. Others will pay a nanny but never a house cleaner.

We could say that priorities make the difference but really it’s time. Cheat codes allow us to move things around but not live longer.

No Workarounds

One of my favorite episodes of the Twilight Zone is of a book lover (Henry Bemis) who never has time to read. It’s off limits and work and even at home. His wife won’t even let him read the paper. One day he sneaks off into a bank vault to read and hears an explosion. He emerges to find the city destroyed in a nuclear blast. He stumbles upon a collapsed public library with books strewn across the ground. After making plans to read and arranging stacks according to a schedule the eager book worm drops his glasses and shatters the lenses.

 It’s a brilliant inversion of the time paradox, Bemis actually does have the time but lacks the resources. Humans aren’t meant to have all of our needs met. Lack makes us go, and work and make choices about life. How much time can I spend reading or mowing the lawn or learning a new language? How do I weight that against family stuff, sports, events, school? Whether time or resources we’ll always want more of whatever is missing.

 Be Grateful

Most of human history before the mid-1800s was, in the words of Thomas Hobbes nasty, brutish and short. Scientific understanding of disease, and how to treat it, increased life expectancy. Much of death was from disease and kids suffered the most, pushing the averages downward. Free time for intellectual pursuits was the prerogative of royalty and their connected patrons. That we have time for leisure at all is a small miracle.

The best thing we can do is make a choice and deal with the consequences. Recognizing the finite nature of time helps us to simplify our wants. Suddenly those skills, classes, sports and TV shows will matter a lot less. 

Time is gift. Choose wisely.  Have more conversations. Eat Tex Mex and sponge cake until you can’t move. Go on long walks with friends and help others whenever possible. It doesn’t sound exciting but it really is. For me it's people over things and let the choices fall into place.



Friday, April 8, 2022

Fasting for Easter: Aligning the Will


Is Fasting Still an Important Discipline for Christians?

I’m fasting for the Easter season. It’s just a partial fast for breakfast and lunch but I can’t remember a time I’ve done this for more than a day or two.

Meals break up the day for me so missing a meal makes me aware of my hunger, not to mention the time. With discipline though it get easier and you begin to understand why it’s important on occasion for spiritual health. Fasting aligns our priorities with God's by forcing us to set aside our needs in response to His invitation to go deeper in prayer.


The simplest thing anyone can say about a fast is that the Bible recommends it. Fasting demands we answer two questions before jumping into willful hunger pangs. First, what is the purpose of the fast and what are the examples of it in scripture. Not everything in scripture has a direct correlation to our current Christian culture. We don’t sacrifice animals on an alter to cover our sins. Nor do we demand farmers give 10% of their increase to the storehouse. Tithing is a principle many people still practice but it’s not obligatory.  


Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 days nights. Moses and Elijah both fasted just before big breakthroughs, the Ten Commandments and the anointing of Elisha respectively. Nehemiah fasted for his people, as did Esther and Daniel. Paul fasted for 3 days immediately after his road to Damascus conversion. In every case the Lord brings us to a place of deeper understanding of His plan or will. Often the fast produces an answer or a breakthrough or new phase. It might help to say it like this, we submit to God’s will by denying ours. A lack of food quickens the senses.


Think of how you feel after a full meal, content? Sleepy? Relaxed? It’s tough for God to compete with a full stomach because our natural needs are met. But denying those needs, for a time, produces focus and determination. Fasting isn’t just a discipline we grudgingly agree to at certain times of year. It builds our faith by demanding we go a little deeper in prayer. Not only do we submit our will to God’s, we seek answers, ask for repentance and gain understanding.

Doesn’t God meet our needs whether we fast or not? Yes but fasting removes the distractions of life and makes us go to God with laser focus.

We Fast for Answers

We seek answers from God when we’re troubled. Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, called for a nation wide fast to seek the Lord. They were facing extinction from 3 separate armies, the situation was grim. But God sent Jahaziel to proclaim victory to them by singing and praising the Lord. God confused the enemy and they killed each other instead. Judah’s fasting was born of desperation and their deliverance was found in humility (2 Chronicles 20).

I’m mostly familiar with this kind of fasting. A few years ago I had a similar experience. I fasted lunch for close to a week and prayed during the day as often as I could. I needed an answer from God on a relationship I wanted to pursue. I read the scriptures more intently than I had in years. My whole being was focused on hearing from God. God spoke to me in a dream one night during my fast. I didn’t like the answer at first but I moved on, confident in the value that fasting provides.

We Fast for Repentance

Repentance provides us with another opportunity to fast. Ezra had such a moment when returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the city. Many of the Jewish rulers had taken foreign wives (pagans) and had children with them. It was a serious offense to God and Ezra was hurt by it. If you’ve ever gotten a job and found out it on the first day it was so much worse than advertised, you’ll sympathize with Ezra.

Jerusalem was destroyed precisely because of intermarrying and human sacrifice as worship to Baal. Here is Ezra’s lament “O my God, I am too ashamed and humiliated to lift up my face to You, my God; for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has grown up to the heavens.” (Ezra 9:6) He goes on in a heart of repentance for continued disobedience. This is for the people already there, not him. This level of forgiveness through sackcloth and ashes is an Old Covenant practice that went away with the cross. But the fasting remains as a means of aligning our heart with the Father.

We Fast for Understanding

Spiritual battles often demand a fast. Daniel’s vision of the Glorious Man came after a time of fasting and mourning. A messenger of God told Daniel that the Prince of Persia halted the progress of Daniel’s prayer. “Then he said to me, ‘Do not fear Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words”. (Daniel 10:12)

The messenger was preceded by Daniels vision that caused him to go into mourning for 3 weeks. During this time he sees the glorious man that is likely a vision of Jesus. “His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like torches of fire, his arms and feet like burnished bronze in color, and the sound of his words like the voice of a multitude.” (Daniel 10:6)

Because Daniel set his heart to understand and humbled himself his prayer was answered. What was the evidence of his humble heart? The fast. In verse 2 Daniel tells the reader “I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth…” His focus was on knowing and he cut out all distractions.

The Image of Fasting

From the outside looking in fasting appears to be a duty for acceptance into the club. Many religions have required sacraments and boxes to check for the faithful. Islam famously has Ramadan which involves fasting from sunup to sundown for nearly a month. The goal, prove yourself a worthy Muslim. There are practical benefits to fasting that run adjacent to any religious obligation as well. But if Christians see it as just another duty to an exclusive club, or a crucible of suffering to achieve holiness—they should stop.

We don’t fast for approval, recognition or promotion. God’s kingdom doesn’t operate on favors.

A Perfect Picture

A friend of mine went to a local baseball game with a large group. He noticed how little the fans actually watched the game they paid to see. Most were ordering food and chatting about TV shows, some were on their phones texting friends. As a lifelong baseball fan he was disappointed. It made him realize how constantly distracted we are with everything but what is in front of us. That weekend he issued a blackout for his family, no phones, TV or internet. They spend the entire week together, as a family, no distractions.

That’s a pretty good picture of the kind of heart that fasting can produce.

Understand that fasting is a way of aligning your heart with the Heavenly Father to understand His will. It’s a temporary break from the regularity of food. The emptiness in our stomachs reminds us that God is our source.

If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday. (Isaiah 58:10)

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Waymaker: Track and Field Season


It looks like I’ve got a possible Saturday job for at least a few months.

 It’s yet another example of excellent timing from the Heavenly Father. On Friday a coworker informed me that one of our salesmen needed help at a track meet. He said he thought the job paid $100 for the day but wasn’t exactly sure. With the economy the way it is I need a little extra money during the week to ease the pain of the very obvious inflation crunch. I didn’t care how many hours it was. Nor was I going to be too picky about the kind of work it involved.

I called the salesman and he gave the basic details. You sit in front of a laptop and record the race in front of you. To be more accurate, you record the race as the kids cross the finish line. We have a camera on a tripod focused in on the finish. The recording makes it possible to enter each runner’s time by scrolling to the exact moment their torso intersects with the finish line. The race timer starts as the coordinator fires the starter pistol. It contains a sensor that trips off with the sound of the gun. That sensor starts the timer.

The timer and the camera both rely information to my computer as I watch the match and stop the video when the race is finished. Then I save each race under the description of the event, ‘7th grade Boys 400 meter heat 2’ and so on. The only difficult thing I’ve discovered was making sure I remembered which event I recorded. I saved the wrong race under the wrong title for the first couple of heats. It turns out that my mistake was not recognizing how the software automatically loads the next heat once the current one is finished. I was making it more complex than I needed to. Thankfully my partner knew what he was doing. We backtracked a little but settled into a groove after a while.

I'm being descriptive here for people who aren't familiar. I didn't know how any of this worked either but I found it fascinating.

I’m unfamiliar with track and field. My high school didn’t offer it. I would’ve loved to participate in some running event though. Of course this is the older me talking. What’s difficult to know for sure is how much of my current interest in jogging would translate to my high school self. Watching those kids on the track running their hearts out gave me just a twinge of sadness. I played basketball and soccer. I was a decent athlete who struggled with self-confidence on the court. Always deferential, I was happy to pass when I should’ve have taken a shot or drove to the hoop.

Might some level of passiveness have taken over in a team relay or sprint? Probably so. It’s still fun to think that in another life I could’ve been great. Everyone is a champion in some alternate universe.

The guys that set up the recording system at the meet get paid well. At least that’s what Aaron, my counterpart, told me. My portion of the job is the easy part with one exception, you really need to pay attention. It sounds easy but it’s not. On a couple of occasions I found myself too focused on the screen and not the next race. I heard Mike, the coordinator, shouting green light and looking at me from across the track questioningly. The timer runs off a red light, green light system. If I’m ready for the next heat to start I’m supposed to push the green light and let him know he can set the kids in place and fire the pistol.

I left him sitting there a few times waiting. Mike does not like to wait. He runs a very quick event. He told me as much when I shook his hand at beginning of the race. He was cordial but clear “Stay on that green light”. And I meant too but you know…

I’m hoping this leads to more events and more money. Track and field season is short but should consume about 6 to 8 weekends I figured. Maybe by then I’ll have another gig. God always takes care of us when we have a need. My need was a job that I could do on Saturday to ease the strain. All the basic consumer goods are up right now, not to mention gas and food. Inflation is like a pay cut. But it doesn’t matter. Our Heavenly Father always creates a way.

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:19

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Windfall: Review


Windfall, directed by Charlie McDowell, is an Alfred Hitchcock style thriller that moves slow at first but picks up speed late and eventually loses control.

 It stars Jason Segel, Lily Collins and Jesse Plemons. Segal plays a thief who breaks into the vacation home of a tech billionaire (Plemons). In the course of looking for valuables in the house he hears the couple arriving and panics. Realizing he can’t get out without them knowing it, he takes them as hostages. He manages to hold them in a sauna with junk in front of the door while he bolts for his car. He spots a camera on the tree just as he is leaving and nervously goes back to the property and takes them hostage again.

The first thing I noticed was the look of the film. The opening shot shows an empty back porch with billowing curtains. The home is a 60’s ranch style that helps with the Hitchcock feel. Ominous music plays softly while the opening credits roll. The movie doesn’t assign any of the characters names, only positions. Plemons is known as CEO, Collins is Wife and Segel is just Nobody. This is the first clue that director Charlie McDowell was going for a kind of social commentary. Each person represents a class.

From the first scene it’s clear that Nobody intended to make a full day of robbing the estate. He’s seen sipping orange juice and staring off into the back property. He throws the glass when done and heads inside to rummage through the drawers. Nobody is a man enjoying the wealth all around him but despising it just the same, like an imposter. He’s also comfortable hanging out. He’s caught off guard by the arrival of the wealthy couple, which I interpreted as someone familiar with CEO’s schedule. He didn’t expect anyone to be home, but why?

Nobody’s diminishing sense of control matches the pace of the film. He’s on top of the world for a while but events quickly go beyond his reach.

 The first and second acts are slow moving and funny, a comedy of errors. The third act is quite tense as incidents threaten to turn the hostage situation into violence.

The best plan Nobody can come up with is to take enough money from the couple to disappear. CEO and Wife convince Nobody to take $500,000 because $150,000 isn’t enough to escape and start over. But they have to wait overnight for the money to arrive. This means they need to spend time together. Nobody can’t leave them alone or risk having them run off so he stays with them.

 Jason Segel is not suited for this role. He’s too likeable and boyish. He’s ill at ease with a gun and pouts when the couple doesn’t listen to him. He constantly reminds the couple that he doesn’t want to hurt anyone but he will if he has too. Somehow we just don’t believe it.

I have a few complaints about the movie but mostly praise. If this is social commentary we need a little more on why Nobody decided to break in and pretend to be a billionaire for at least a few hours. He’s presumable the main character and we have more questions about him than the other two characters. There is a gardener that makes an appearance for a short while helping to heighten the tension among the hostages. But primarily it’s only the 3. I didn’t feel much sympathy for Nobody and I kept wondering ‘Am I supposed to?’

CEO and wife play their parts brilliantly. We feel a tension between them that wasn’t initially there. As hostages we begin to see cracks in their ideal relationship. Given CEOs vast wealth and condescending attitude we don’t like him either. We’re sympathetic to Wife because of the way he treats her, telling her to ‘get close’ to Nobody to find out his plans. But it’s clear she traded whatever life she had for riches and fame. Her discomfort with CEO isn’t exactly a reason for us to root for her. Most marriages have elements of unhappiness.

Every character (or class) is out for their own self-interest, each one has a different idea of how to get there.

The transition from comedy to thriller seems to happen all at once, in the last 10 minutes. It’s too severe. I won’t call the finish a surprise as much as a jolt. The development of the characters doesn’t warrant it. Does McDowell want us to understand Nobody’s motivations even a little? If there is a hole in the story it’s Segel’s appropriately named Nobody. Maybe he isn’t the protagonist at all but the pretext to shake this marriage of convenience to its core.

I’m a sucker for simple stories about relationships. This one will work nicely as a play. It’s not Rear Window but it’s intriguing and holds interest on its own. I recommend.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Fit to Print: Anti-Christian Bias


Agenda Driven News

I think maybe I read too much of the news.

 It’s designed to depress so I do need to be careful with what I absorb. Sometimes I just think I’m not smart enough to absorb any of it. And if I was, would I even want to process it all? How much of what I’ve read is actually true? I think that’s the biggest realization I’ve come to. It probably seems dumb to start thinking about this right now. I’m in my early forties and just figuring out that maybe the news is a complete sham. I’m kind of embarrassed.

When I say sham I don’t mean that from the top to bottom the news is a lie. That would be too easy to disprove. But much of the top stories are stories that special interests care about. For instance, if I was a stakeholder in Moderna or Pfizer or any of the top drug manufacturers I’d be pushing a virus hard because we were about to develop a vaccine to fight it. It doesn’t even matter that the vaccine is crap and likely will lead to lawsuit hell in the next 10 years. My job is to raise the price of the stock.

 I know I know. Totally using a ridiculous example, it could never happen and all of that.

What Should I Think?

One tidbit I remember from my Communication class on Framing is this: ‘they can’t tell us what to think but they can tell us what to think about’. They in this case is the media. Whether TV, radio or the internet, the information spigots decide what to spew out and how to interpret it. I’m not one who thinks the local news shouldn’t report murders and robberies. I’ll call that straight news. Just tell us what happened.

But I don’t think we understand how much information we receive is agenda based. Elementary and Secondary education is practically a petri dish for social engineering.

The LGBT lobby pressures our schools to include sexually explicit images in the materials kids read. For the bullshit reason that gay and trans kids need a welcoming environment, nonsense. All LGBT excuses flow from the same lie. The real reason is to normalize same sex behavior at younger and younger ages. Why is there such a push to encourage boys to wear dresses? Gay is what you do not who you are. But the way media explains it, you’d think gays and lesbians were some racial ethnicity with a long sad history like the Jews. Remaking homosexuals into a victimized group has been an extremely successful campaign.

How has Information Changed?

In the past if you wanted the American people to know about your product or service you bought commercial air time. In some cases you might produce a documentary or try to go on a talk show and demonstrate. Even though Sunday morning infomercials you see before the football games are part of the same idea. But what if you can disseminate information through the very news people hear. If you are a global conglomerate that’s in league with other conglomerates and you want to push an idea of a humanistic world you do it through the news. Not directly but indirectly.

You fund important research into medicines and show doctors with their noses in microscopes desperately seeking the next cure. You would also fund government and economic schools that promote your humanistic agenda. Not to mention making sure that the best and brightest graduates saw the world the way you did. When you fund and promote programs that emphasize a particular world view you get graduates that trumpet your ideas. They go out into the world and change institutions in your likeness. They redefine traditional values, reject Creation and protect others just like them.

After a few decades you’ve got some solid bricks to build on. After a few more decades the institutions are remade and much of the traditional values crowd, Christians mostly, are outside looking in. You’ve also mostly squeezed any mention of Biblical truths, and those who support it, out of the public square. I had a Biology professor who was incredulous that one of his graduate level students believed in Biblical Creation. He ranted that anyone with ‘those views’ should stay out of his department.

Where to Now?

Even when we fight back it’s from a defensive position. We’ve been backed into a corner and the only decent response seems to be “I want the best for everyone honest!” Much of it is our fault of course. We believed the nonsense that wealth would create a more just future for our kids. And if only we just stopped banging on about abortion and gay marriage we could have been included in the great reordering.

I’m excited by what I see in Virginia and Florida and much of the parent/teacher throw downs over the Covid protocols. All parents need is a spark to start engaging again. It looks like the mask mandates have become that in many districts. With awareness comes change. We’ve ignored the kind of information that we’re consuming for too long and it’s become antagonistic toward truth. Education and media both demonstrate this. I can see a 20 year project for Christians to begin retaking institutions that are failing, like education, and making them sane again. 

One big market is the news business. Not every bit of information is colored by a world view or a corporate interest, but too much of is. The media landscape is due for an overhaul as well. We need to be discerning as snakes and as harmless as doves going forward or lose our ability to influence the future.



Saturday, March 19, 2022

Ezra's Conviction for God's People


Lessons for Today: Ezra’s Conviction for his people

The essential question for the Christian believer is “Do I ever feel a sense of conviction for the things of God?” We can get too caught up in theological differences and esoteric reading of scripture. Certainly debate is important when dividing doctrine from heresy, truth from fable. But if scripture loses its ability to convict our hearts then it can’t work effectively bringing us into line with His will.

When we let the goodness of God lead us to repentance, we avoid much of the destruction that comes through disobedience.

The Decree

Ezra 9 and 10 focuses on the repentance for the collective, in this case exiled Hebrews.

Ezra was given a mandate from King Artaxerxes to return to Jerusalem with volunteers and begin executing the laws of God. Chapter 7 contains some language that puts Ezra squarely in charge of managing worship in and outside the temple. But more than that, he is to faithfully execute the law of Moses and follow the language of the letter.

“And you Ezra, according to your God-given wisdom, set magistrates and judges who may judge all the people who are in the region beyond the River, all such as know the laws of you God and teach those who do not know them. Whoever will not observe the law of your God and the law of the king, let judgement be executed speedily on him, whether it be death, or banishment, or confiscations of goods, or imprisonment.” (verse 25-26)

Too Much Work

If you’ve ever started a job that turned out to me more than you bargained for you’ll sympathize with Ezra.

I had a two week job in high school counting inventory for a truck parts dealer. The only semi-fun part of the job was that I got to work with my friend Chris. We both were asked by the principal of our high school to work over Christmas break. His son was a salesman and needed help with their yearly inventory. The fact that they had a couple of high school kids count their parts told us both they didn’t care about perfect accuracy. 

Counting inventory is like toilet cleaning, best done by anyone else.

We were too young to work a regular job and needed the money. Every day we came home coughing up dirt and dust. The parts sat in old boxes with layers of dust that had built up over decades. Much of counting meant crawling into tight spaces on low shelving to read part numbers and lifting heavy engine components. We started early too; 6 am for a kid on Christmas break is brutal. We both agreed the job was more than we bargained for.

Tough Decisions

Ezra didn’t realize the extent to which the people had transgressed. For Ezra the job demanded dealing with the pagan intermarriages. Many of the Jews that had returned from the captivity had already transgressed the laws of Moses by intermarrying. You can see the problem here. The deed has already been done. What is Ezra to do now? That’s the thing about transgressions. God will get us back on the path but there is a price to pay and now it involved a spouse. In some cases it involved children as well.

We have a much better deal today. Everyone who accepts Christ is a new creature, even pagans raised in wickedness. But Ezra’s first real difficult decision is to send away the wives and children and turn the people back to God through covenant. To understand his deep shame for their sin we have to remember why the children of Israel were taken captive in the first place. It started the same way. Bringing in foreign gods and worshipping at alters that sacrificed babies, in a lot of cases. The Canaanites were particularly egregious with this.

Avoiding Calamity

God had warned them through so many prophets to turn from their evil ways, destroy the alters and stop marrying foreigners. They didn’t listen. The Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple and took the court hostage. It was during this exile that leaders emerged who understood the importance of obedience to God and His law.

I can’t help thinking of how close this story tracks with us today. The United States at least is headed the way of Judah under King Zedekiah who led the last revolt before the temple was utterly destroyed. Babylonian captivity happened over the course of 3 separate invasions.  It doesn’t have to end with our nation’s destruction by a foreign power or a depression that ruins our global influence.

We don’t need to go through imprisonment and pray for mercy from the occupying force to rebuild our cities. God always provided favor with kings like Cyrus and Artaxerxes to make a way to rebuild. Today is different. Jesus gave us a mandate in the gospels to preach the good news. He equipped us with power and authority to cast out demons and heal the sick. The commission exists to bring the kingdom of God to earth and let the hearts of the people be turned to Him. (Luke 9:1-2).


Corruption and sexual perversion dominate in much of our centers of authority, yes the Church too. It causes a weakening in the structures like termites in an old Victorian mansion. If not caught and killed, the house collapses of its own weight.  Like Ezra, we need to let the conviction lead us back to redemption before we end up enslaved. If not for our individual sakes, then for the sake of the lost and broken. Because of Ezra's conviction, the people repented and avoided a second wave of imprisonment and death. It can be for us as well.