common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump's Near Death Experience and God's Providence


Evil Plans and God’s Providence

President Trump was shot yesterday. The bullet grazed his ear. This happened at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. He turned his head while talking, grabbed his ear and hit the deck. The Secret Service jumped on him while their sniper shot the assassin. Trump was helped up by the Secret Service, now covering him and walking him to a waiting car. He pumped his fist to the crowd, defiantly and mouthed the words “Fight, Fight, Fight.” This while blood from the gunshot dripped down his ear and onto his face.

A photographer captured his raised fist standing below a flag. It was instantly iconic. The crowd for the most part acted surprised while the shooting was taking place. Some ducked and covered while others stood in place looking around confused. In at least one interview I heard attendees say they thought the shots were fireworks.

Confusion and False Information

They rang out so quickly that it makes sense to be confused about the noise. Sadly, one man was killed by a stray bullet. Reports say he covered his wife and daughter while the shooting was taking place. Early information about the shooter and his identity are usually wrong. This was no different. A photo of a man with dark glasses and a beard, a social media profile pic, started circulating because he made a cryptic post the day before. He’s an ANTIFA member who said something about justice coming soon.

I didn’t dismiss it out of hand but, knowing how these things unfold I let it sit. It looks like that was wrong. I’ve seen a few pictures of the guy since, and news outlets are giving us his name Thomas Mathew Crooks. Why do they always have 3 names?

What and How

Questions hang over the event like the oppressive heat. How was he allowed to get on the roof and have a direct line of sight to the stage? A reporter with the BBC interviewed a man that said he witnessed the shooter “outside the security perimeter”. He told the reporter he noticed the man crawling up the roof with a rifle and tried to signal to the police and secret service officials nearby.

The building where the Crooks fired from was less than 200 yards from the stage. I don’t know a lot about security but that’s way too close. You don’t need to be a particularly skilled shooter to hit something with an AR15 that far away. I think most hunters could make that shot on a windy day. We had to hit pop up targets farther away than that in the Army during the basic marksman course.

Another strange occurrence, a police officer climbed the roof where Crooks was spotted and confronted him. Crooks pointed his rifle at the officer who retreated down the ladder. I guess right after this he turned around, focused on Trump and squeezed off a few rounds. Maybe the police didn’t have a gun to fire back? It sounds like at least, the police were aware of him crawling around on the roof. Possibly they responded to the crowd which were trying to signal about the shooter.

Skepticism and Derision

More will come out in the next few days and then probably nothing for a long time. I’ve long believed the Left wants DJT dead. Their election chances with Biden/Harris are looking worse than ever. The debate showed everyone in America how completely unfit Joe Biden is. They don’t have many options left. They can still try to steal the election, but it has to be relatively close or it’s much harder to do.

I’m not likely to believe the official narrative anymore without some kind of overwhelming proof. That doesn’t the mean the official narrative isn’t correct, just that I’ve listened to too many lies from official channels since Covid. This is no different. I don’t believe this “lone gunman” bullshit anymore. There are too many people in this country that stand to lose if Trump gets back to the White House.

There is corruption deep in the heart of the administrative state and money from dark corners influencing our political leaders. Why do we assume they wouldn’t assassinate a president? Both Shinzo Abe from Japan and Robert Fico from Slovakia were shot in last 2 years. Abe died while Fico survived. I’m just not buying that these are lone actors without some kind of financial backing.

I always come back to this question about assassinations. Would the press tell me if the shooter was connected to some wealthy cabal or intelligence community in elite circles? No chance.

I’ll keep my skepticism and pray for Trump.


I’m a little put off by all the comments from regular folks that we need to “unite” and “come together”. That probably sounds nasty, but what exactly does it mean? Light has nothing in common with darkness. There is a war playing out right now on a global scale between Left and Right. Communists take over countries by sewing chaos among regular people. They use class envy and racial strife and take over institutions. Then they tear down structures, both literally and figuratively. First it’s the monuments of a nation and then it’s the boundaries God set in place. Families are destroyed and sexual identity is said to be fluid. Churches are targets if they hold to biblical truths and sexual morality.

It's a spiritual war that plays out in the natural world. Just because we aren’t fighting an enemy that wears a uniform doesn’t mean we aren’t under attack. This isn’t a time to come together; it’s a time to defeat the forces of darkness. But first you have to recognize it as such. Maybe that’s the next phase of this war, recognition of an evil force and not just a political campaign.




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