I heard Doctor Phil on Joe Rogan the other day. Rogan’s talkathon podcast is quickly becoming a fount of information for my constantly humming brain. Doctor Phil is a great source for information about drug abuse, and fentanyl’s debilitating effect on the country. On this particular episode they talked about the nastiness and discord in the country right today. Also discussed, the craziness of transgender bullies and the danger of social media.
Doctor Phil's show is in a lot of ways a public service, but like other successful people he approaches all
conflicts the same way. Get folks together and talk it out.
He thinks all problems can be solved by sitting down and hashing
out differences. Or at the very least, gaining an
appreciation for other points of view. It’s a tired view of conflict and whose
time has come.
Blame social media
all you want for ramping up conflict, it doesn’t excuse the fact that one side wants
to destroy the country as founded. All of his homespun examples of ‘gettin
along’ sound like breaking up a fight between boys at recess. This is
fundamentally misguided.
First, not all arguments are made in good faith. Did male swimmer Lia Thomas become a ‘woman’ because he always felt like a girl, or did
he do it to dominate collegiate events? We all know the answer. Pretending Thomas’
transition is anything but a charade is phony.
Second, some arguments are built on faulty logic, misinformation
and attitude. The only way to un-wire some people is by ignoring them, or by physically stopping them. I put climate change doomsdayers in this camp. They do outrageous
stunts for attention, hoping to disrupt the lives of commuters and cause them
irritation. They shut down subways, roadways and destroy art. They’re destructive
like children when you ignore them. They deserve a good punch to the face,
The United States is under attack from a global communist cabal.
It’s working hard to dismantle our strength and unity. It hates law and order.
It hates capitalism. It hates Christianity and the message of salvation,
dignity and grace. It wants to enslave humanity. It uses as many points of
conflict as it can to create wedges of separation.
This isn’t one of those times where you find out what the
other side wants. We know what they want, chaos. They want a revolution in sexual
pleasure, immediate gratification and a lack of accountability for all of it. What part of
that does Doctor Phil want to negotiate with?
This whole attitude reminds me of screaming kids at Target. Parents
learn to negotiate with kids here. When did children start getting everything
they wanted? I’ll give you the toy if you promise not to scream. You can hear
it in Doctor Phil’s wondering out loud, but some views are just warped. Some opinions
are faulty, illogical. As if all our desires must be met on some level. As if all
our opinions have weight.
There’s probably a close link between wealthy societies and decadence. Entitlement persists, it’s in the air. It’s a poison that affects rich and
poor. Stomp your feet loud enough and someone will attend to you. Decadence is
the stage right before societal collapse I imagine. Rogan mentioned those kids throwing soup on art to protest some climate nonsense. Camera crews stand around documenting
their every halfwit proclamation. Daytime TV dopes try to get them in a room to
talk about their very important protest.
Twenty years ago I would’ve given Doctor Phil a break. Society
hadn’t degraded to the point where letting kids choose their gender was the
stock and trade of the Democrat Party. But he’s seen too much. At some point he’ll
have to recognize this two sides bullshit is for a previous age. This isn’t a Right
versus Left thing anymore. That might explain his reluctance to be righteously
indignant. You either believe that children are a precious gift and we owe it
to future generations to tell them the truth, or you don’t.
What truth do we owe? The truth about good and evil, and the
truth about sin and consequence. The universe was created in God’s image, as
were people. We don’t get to decide which sex to become, or which sexual
identity to put on like a pair of boots. Sin entered the world when Lucifer
fell from heaven. Since then, he’s tried to destroy God’s creation and confuse
humanity. The evil that exists in culture is a direct result of Lucifer’s war
against the Creator. We have to start there.
We live in a time of great confusion around the world. The
time for milquetoast responses is over. Kids are at risk in this world of lies
if we don’t fight for them.
Romans 1:18-19
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