common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Transhumanism is Anti-God


Transhumanism's Tentative Link to Reality

I fell down the transhumanism rabbit hole recently.

 It’s been an idea in my consciousness at least since that Johnny Depp movie in the desert (Transcendence) where they uploaded his brain to a computer. Yeah I know that’s really late. Normally I stay away from topics I barely understand. But if I do it correctly I can talk about it in an innocent ‘what does this all mean’ sort of way. Whenever someone mentions transhumanism I think of Avatar. From the collective conscious to the out of body experiences, it’s a mix of the sacred and the profane.

Humans are sacred, created in God’s image to worship. Worlds not created by God are profane, they lack the signature of the divine.

Transhumanism's attempt to step in where God where left off is centered in prideful notions about the superiority of man. The effort will fail like the Tower of Babel.

I like this definition of transhumanism the best. “The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.”

Technology's Takeover

Human’s with artificial brains connected to a supercomputer, that’s my low brow interpretation. The supercomputer is a wealth of information and knowledge that guides us through life. We connect to it, sort of like a search engine and benefit from the increased knowledge. You can see where this theory has some logic. Technology plays an increasing role in our lives. It’s almost inescapable. From voice activated personal assistants to biotechnological medicines like vaccines and genetic seeds for farmers. The leap to putting chips into our brains seems like the next step in the process.

But at a certain point you aren’t operating from your own mind, will and emotions. There is an artificial buffer that interprets and 'corrects' your own thinking. Eventually you’re nothing more than a hybrid person, or a non-person.

Limiting Principle

Why do we need to increase human mental capability? I don’t mean why should we be smarter or how can we make life easier, but why increase the brain power through artificial means? What is the possible benefit, other than escaping to an artificial place, for my life? Certainly there are conveniences like shopping and talking to friends in the metaverse. There are more we haven’t even explored yet. But those don’t markedly chance our world for the better.

It’s an upgraded version of Sims.

The Real Cost

We lose autonomy when we willingly give up freedoms in our life. I understand that modern life is far less free, in the traditional version of the word. True freedom means making your own clothes, building your own house and killing your own food. In modern societies there are precious few examples of people that live this way. Most of us are connected to a global community for basic needs. When was the last time you cut down trees, made 2x4s and constructed a house out of raw materials?

Yuval Noah Harari explains the global community concept in the transhumanism documentary, Humans, Gods and Technology. But to jump from that to a system of interconnectedness on a consciousness level is too big a leap for me.

It's always the controllers that benefit.


Covid 19 should have been enough of a wake up for anyone who thought the controllers (elites, technocrats, globalists) knew best. They nearly ruined our economy over a flu like virus. They turned off a lot of sources for people to get jobs and force a vaccine on us. It’s a poor performing vaccine that’s causing untold damage. They either didn’t know what to do or knew exactly what to do.

 The most advanced vaccines from the most advances pharmaceuticals and what did it amount to? A way to make record profits for shareholders. That’s it.  

My problem isn’t with breakthroughs or technology. I’m sympathetic to the difficulty of making money on a drug that takes years of research and development. But it looks like profit and fear drove the narrative on a virus that was survivable for most of us. If we get nothing out of the last two and half years of Covid panic get this, don’t trust others with decisions that affect your health. Especially don’t trust anything with a fear porn quality to it. Also, reject immediate calls for intrusion into your life from ‘experts’.

Transhumanism is anti-God.

There is a lot of talk about creating life through Artificial Intelligence and becoming god-like. That’s not reading something into it either. Here is Zoltan Istvan “We must force our evolution in the present day via our reasoning, inventiveness, and especially our scientific technology. In short, we must embrace transhumanism--the radical field of science that aims to turn humans into, for lack of a better word, gods.”

I feel gross.

God's Idea

Transhumanism isn’t just about living forever; it’s about creating man in a new image. What image is that? An image that doesn’t believe in the Creator or His plan for humanity. The tower of Babel began exactly this way. The people of Mesopotamia wanted to rule over themselves, against any direction from God. God’s idea was to separate people. He told them to spread out and fill the earth, be fruitful.

The arrogance at Babel stands as a warning to anyone trying to usurp the Creator’s plan for humanity. I’m not worried that transhumanism will get far. Pride always goes before a fall and a lot of these futurists who imagine a collective mind melding of all life will be brought low. The seed of this idea is rooted in Lucifer’s pride. He doesn’t create, he only copies.

I don’t fear that we’ll all be operating in a metaverse type environment with augmented brains and soulless bodies. I fear that our hubris will bring God’s wrath and destroy countless lives that rejected His creation.

 “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools…”  Romans 1:21-22

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