The Republican Party and Family Values: Death to Old Model
Corporate Republicanism is loosing ground as the default conservative viewpoint in Washington DC. Illegal immigration made conservatives see the massive gap between the corporates and the populists on all issues. the next 20 years will see a return to a common sense adult party that prioritizes kids and families.
The term “conservative” is so generic it needs a makeover. It’s lacking any real meaning after Trump and it’s been used more than John Kaisich’s ‘son of a mailman’ trope. It’s time to replace it.
New Terms
A few weeks ago I found myself outside the city, driving to a lot of the remote areas around Oklahoma for work. This being an election year I couldn’t help but notice the colorful signs littering the highway advertising this or that candidate. Some I didn’t know were actual offices. Do we need to vote for Associate District Judge? Can’t the District Judge choose an associate? That should be on the platform, “Elect me and I’ll pick a true conservative associate”.
We are still a few weeks from the primary so anyone with a plan and a little money can make a go of it. I didn’t count how many used the phrase “conservative” but at least they only used it once per sign.
You might think because Oklahoma is a red state, everyone’s a conservative. But in recent years national conservatism includes everyone from Ted Cruz to perennial gadfly Evan McMullin. One is pro borders and anti abortion, the other never misses a chance to blast the Right. We can examine how it got this way until the next polling place opens, but it's doubtful we'll all agree. We did this a lot in the years after Trump raised his right hand and swore the oath. He brought along some union Democrats and started reversing the loss of blue collar workers.
A few have shed the “conservative” label, smartly, and are going with the America First label that Trump is famous for. It’s good timing too. If you grew up like me thinking that Bill Kristol his Weekly Standard was conservative, you’ll understand my reluctance to embrace it. I’m far from an expert on social/cultural shifts in politics and the why’s and wherefores'. But to me the biggest separation among conservatives was on the southern border. George W. Bush even felt the wrath of his base when he tried to make a deal on a worker visa program.
A Little History
His amnesty bill for over 12 millions illegals failed in the Senate in 2007. His administration hated that Limbaugh and others called it an amnesty bill but that’s exactly what it was. More important, Americans didn’t trust their government to actually build the wall or enforce the border in any way going forward. I remember thinking Americans would support it if they build the wall first. That Congress didn’t bother to do security first told us a lot.
President Reagan signed a similar bill in 1986 (Simpson-Mazzoli Act). It promised to control the border and make it illegal to hire migrants with no papers. It did the opposite.
Americans learned a valuable lesson in preceding years. It doesn’t matter how popular or well constructed a law is if you don’t enforce it.
Enter Bush and Co. to try and build on the same rickety legislative framework. The Chamber of Commerce and the open borders crowd wanted it, America First didn’t. I’ve noticed the split since then in the party ranks and it really opened up with Trump. It’s the kind of split that made me realize that conservatives are oceans apart on a whole list of issues.
The Split Begins
The disagreements took on a class feel and during the Trump years at least, were less about issues and more about tribe. I know this has all been covered ad nauseam by everyone with a blog, but until recently we’d never wrested control of the party from the corporate class, or as ace of spades calls it “conservative inc.”
But the corporate class sided with Biden during the last election and showed what really mattered to them--their influence. I remember writing a piece after Peter Thiel spoke at the Republican convention in 2016. His speech felt like a warning (a gentle one) to values voters to simmer down on the culture war stuff and get in line behind the big money machine.
In other words, stop embarrassing us with your anti-abortion rants and traditional marriage tropes. But culture is more important to the long term health of a country than a tax cut. The current obsession with drag queens performing for children is a case in point. A culture where this is even a possibility is one that’s surrendered on countless values issues before. Maybe because we’ve been too focused on finances, opportunities for growth and tax policy, we’ve let the wolves in at the gate.
The Future is Here
The culture wars didn’t create the divide, that was illegal immigration. But it became another front in the batter for conservatism.
Americans took from immigration reform that Congress can’t be trusted to enforce laws they’ve passed when it conflicts with their corporate funders. Trump didn’t do enough on the border either but he started with a wall, a working relationship with Mexico and a tough approach to asylum. More than anything else the border issue in this country showed America that our leaders in Washington are living in a different country. But lest we toss all our complaints on to Washington we should accept responsibility where we can for our own laziness.
Peter Thiel repeated the thinking in some elite circles that traditional values don’t win. He was probably right too, but we traded values for wealth and ended up with neither. The kids will have to fix the mess.
Their future is as ugly the drag queen with the fake tits and runny mascara. They’ve lost the ability to get money and security because the corruption at all levels of government is so entrenched. How can we start to recover loses in the culture and work towards a future where financial growth is secondary to cultural health, values and pride in country? Start small.
Get Involved
Throw out the local technocrats first. Whether mayors, city council members or school board, get rid of anyone who isn’t pro family. Second ignore labels like conservative and check their record. No record? Then ask them pointed questions to see how they answer. Stay on top of local issues. You can’t cover everything but pay attention where you can. And NEVER apologize for holding to your values.
Values inform culture and a culture is lost when its values are corrupted. We’ve got work to do and I believe the next 20 years will be a worthwhile slog. America can still be the land of opportunity.
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