I’ve been following the drips and drabs of the election
interference and the subsequent audits over the last few months. Arizona
started it. Thank God for the patriots of that state.
They wore out their legislators with letters and phone
calls, trying to get them to approve an audit. I’m not sure which branch of
government is responsible for conducting it. The Senate is running the audit in
Arizona with full legal authority to do so. Are they authorized by the governor
to do so? I’m not sure. Who decides when, where and how the process goes
Governments have
specific channels for how bills move from committee to a full vote and they
also have rules for challenging elections. A lot of this is new territory and
it’s been a slog to just get to this point.
An audit is a very thorough process requiring machine data,
physical ballots, voter rolls and countless other checks. Requests from the
Senate for the mail in ballot verifications was denied. Maricopa County (Phoenix) is withholding
evidence of how they ‘verified’ the ballots and the auditors can’t move forward
without it. Cyber Ninjas, the group doing the audit, says they county has
passwords for the vote machines. The county hasn’t turned them over; they say
they don’t have them. Also there were 74,000 votes cast from people who never
got a ballot in the mail—suspicious much? Not to me.
Georgia is doing a slightly different type of audit that only affects Fulton County. We know that double counting happened, they falsified the tally sheets in favor of Biden and stacks of mail in ballots had no fold marks. Why is that last one important? A ballot needs to be folded to be mailed in. It’s about as close as you get to blatant fraud. It suggests a lot of them were just printed off en masse, or filled out by paid workers. A ballot worker tipped off Tucker Carlson to the lack of folds. He included that bit in his nightly show on July 15.
There were
enough irregularities exposed before the election was certified but state electors
certified it anyways. They knew it was a fraudulent election because they knew
Fulton County was a hotbed of corruption. They looked the other way and tried
to make Trump look like a kook for asking the state to reevaluate their count--Looking at you Raffensperger.
Other states have shown interest in doing an Arizona style
audit. Pennsylvania’s State Senator Doug Mastriano is openly campaigning for
one. There is an audit underway of the biggest 3 counties, of which
Philadelphia (known cesspool of graft) is one. Others like Wisconsin and in the
early stages of gathering evidence to push for a full audit. A lot of this
hangs on what turns up in Arizona I suspect. If clear, large scale fraud is
shown, which I’m sure it will be, audits become the next logical step for
battleground states. The evidence for grand irregularities, non-updated voter
rolls, witness testimony across states and mail in ballot shenanigans made this
a suspect election from the start.
How many states shut down counting in the early morning
hours, only to have Biden get a surge in votes immediately after? This screams
dishonest and I believe most Americans
think so as well. It’s always been a matter of applying enough pressure to
elected officials to do the right thing. Arizona went first; this was a citizen
led effort by patriots out West.
I can’t predict how these audits will go. I’m sure of the
fraud and I’m sure each state will find enough to overturn the election for
Biden. He got 80 million votes, REALLY?
What happens once a verified audit proves the obvious? Do
states call new elections? Does the Justice Department move to shut down the
audits? Do the American people just accept Joe and throw their hands up and
say, like Chicago Bears fans, “We’ll get ‘em next time.” There is no legal precedent
for this, not on this scale anyway. I’ve always thought the mail in ballots
would prove the most obvious place for fraud. There is likely plenty with the
voting machines as well but this year was guaranteed to see a spike in them
because of Covid. It always represented an easy chance to inflate the Biden
I’m not for chaos in the streets but I won’t vote again in a
national election if I can’t trust the process. I’m sure a lot of my fellow
Americans believe exactly that.
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