common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Enjoy Washington's Birthday

Image result for washington's birthday

We all get to be a stick in the mud some of the time, a curmudgeon for the right season.  For a lot of us complaining about niche civic issues comes with a strange pride all its own. So try not roll your eyes as I present mine. President’s Day is un-American. It dilutes a full strength celebration of greatness by adding a pitcher of water in the form of mediocre leaders. 

 Some places still celebrate Washington’s birthday but most (like Oklahoma) call it President’s Day. Others (like Illinois) still celebrate Lincoln’s birthday as well as Washington but Abe doesn’t get a federal holiday.

It’s become the ‘trophy holiday’ for US presidents, everyone gets one. They don’t get their own of course, they have to share. Imagine doing this with the Oscars. Can you see Gary Oldman or Margot Robbie offering to share a best actor award with the field? Not all heads of state are created equal and a holiday that lumps them in together (wheat and chaff) is a disservice to a truly great man, George Washington.

Most states (before 1971) celebrated our first president’s birthday and if it happened to fall on a weekend, too bad, see you at work on Monday. The desire to have long weekends led lawmakers to shift it to a Monday and start calling it President’s Day. This happened a little over time. Shifting dates, blending leaders. So it’s now a mish mash of people and meanings all amounting to a free day from school and not much else.

Importance gets swept aside when we shoehorn critical holidays into convenient shopping and travel days. We have the Monday Holiday Law of 1968 to blame. I’d prefer celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. on his birthday and not the 3rd Monday in January, but at least he isn’t sharing it with anyone yet. Neither sharing a day with anyone is Casimir Polaski, whom Illinois honors on the 3rd Monday of March (again with the Mondays!). To be fair I had to look him up every year, I still don’t know. I’m sure whatever he did it was great though! That's kind of the point. He's another Monday guy.

“Off school this week?”
“Yeah it’s a holiday on Monday so you can sleep in”
“Perfect. Which holiday anyway?”
“Oh I can’t remember, some leader I guess”
"Some leader that did some thing years ago, old guy, probably dead by now"

I guess it’s my soapbox thing, we all need one. Clearly the issue is further down on just about everyone’s list of ‘stuff to change in 2019’.  I think a lot of people are genuinely confused that this is bugaboo for anyone, ever.

“Really? This is your big crusade? Against having Monday holidays?”

Well no, not for all of them. Labor Day makes perfect sense to hold on a Monday; it’s a day to celebrate workers by uh…well, not working I guess. It doesn’t matter though because it doesn’t represent some accomplishment or big idea that transformed life. It used to be big in the Soviet Union with…let’s call them ‘class struggle’ types. Thankfully that one lost some of its meaning.

Why stop at presidents of the United States? Why not include presidents of any civic organization or club, you know for inclusiveness. But then again, why draw the lines around American only groups? How many presidents (or whatever the country leader is called) exist around the world? They should count as well. How about the ones that didn’t get elected but tried really hard? Doesn’t seem to fair to leave them out. Has anyone ever wanted to be a president? We are celebrating you too.

Partly why I’m for tradition in holidays is that they were created for a specific meaning to honor a specific person, or idea. Any change in structure weakens the foundation that holds up the important day. Holidays are exclusionary. If they weren’t what would be the point? The ones who matter get the respect.

So George this free day is for you. You aren’t sharing it with Tyler, or Pierce, Arthur or Van Buren.  

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