common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Reason for Optimism? Durham's Plan


This John Durham thing is really picking up steam. I’ll miss some of the details here but this is a complicated story. Worst of all it plays out over the course of 5 years, from 2016 to 2021, an insanely long time to wait. John Durham is the special prosecutor assigned by Trump AG Bill Barr in 2019. The purpose of which was to investigate the origins of the Trump Russian collusion hoax. By this point most regular Americans at least suspected the collusion was kind of bullshit.

I was an avid Rush Limbaugh listener since about 2004. He was on this since day 1. Looking back at everything that’s come out about the Steele Dossier recently I can see how right he was. I never doubted of course but it’s nice when it’s confirmed.

In 2017 the assistant AG Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller (former FBI director) to investigate the supposed collusion. Naturally they took close to 2 years to and found nothing really. Officially they found no collusion and didn’t charge Trump with obstruction, which they think probably happened. The details were so thin though. Don McGahn, a trump advisor, talked Trump out of firing Mueller during the investigation. That always gets pointed to as ‘evidence’ that Trump was obstructing justice. But nothing came of it. McGahn ignored Trump and treated it like a tantrum.

Mueller and his team knew there was no collusion pretty early on in the case but kept investigating anyway. The FBI led by James Comey was looking into allegations against the president from a dossier filled with embarrassing stuff. This was right after the election. Comey briefed Trump on the dossier, supposedly to let him know what kind of stuff was out there. He also ensured Trump that the FBI wasn’t investigating him over any of it. A lie as it turns out. Trump fired Comey which prompted the Mueller team to take over, looking into the same stuff.

The stuff from the dossier was opposition research for Hilary Clinton’s team. They put together a packet with salacious rumors from supposed insiders about Trump’s behavior in Russia. Christopher Steele compiled it from ‘former spies’ and intel types, another lie. The most damaging rumor was about Trump hiring prostitutes to pee on a Moscow bed that Obama had slept in. This story sounded designed to attract the attention of the public. Nothing gets attentions like titillating accounts. Then team Clinton peddled this nonsense to the FBI as legitimate intel.

The FBI used the dossier to get a FISA (foreign intelligence surveillance act) warrant and spy on the Trump campaign in 2016. There is more here to say about the spying on the campaign. But the bottom line is the Clinton campaign tried to set Trump up from the beginning and the deep state helped. I think the Obama White House helped too but that’s just speculation right now.

Now it looks like Durham might actually be putting a lot of this sordid affair right. I’ll refrain from being too excitable. Not because I’m a cynic but because too many of these wasteful investigations result in fines. When other Feds are charged with wrongdoing it takes years to inspect, millions of dollars to fund and they get a slap on the wrist. Agencies protect each other. But I won’t spoil the food while it’s still cooking though.  

John Durham arrested a fake Russian source hired by Christopher Steele just this last week. He indicted a lawyer (Sussman) who went to the FBI with information on Trump and Russia. They asked him if he was working on behalf of a campaign, he said no. That was a lie since his law firm was hired by Clinton.

There is a third recent one but I don’t remember who. Trump allies in Congress like Devin Nunes had tried telling the American people this collusion stuff was bogus. He was censured for it, or at least threatened to be censured. For two years the press ran with lie after lie about the dossier, collusion, obstruction of justice. Trump’s team were assaulted on all sides and need vindication in the worst way. So I’m hopeful that Durham gets some justice and lays down some serious punishment. But I’ve been here before. I was sure Trump would be reelected. He was actually. But the same people who lied about his Russia dealings stole it from him.

I say the same people meaning the deep state. I used to talk about them like they were separate entities, the press, the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department and so on. But it’s really one big incestuous family that helps each other out. I hope Durham is different, but like the Who says, We Won’t Get Fooled Again.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Review--Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Election


The Election of 2020 was Stolen and Everyone Knows It.

Mollie Hemingway is fearless.

 Her directness is refreshing in an industry that rewards spin. Officially she writes for the Federalist, but is a frequent guest on Fox News as an expert journalist. She’s a conservative reporter who doesn’t mind being labeled one. Probably because her work speaks for itself. Even the left wing Guardian took shots at her partisanship but said nothing of her sources or logic.  

The book contains almost 100 pages of endnotes, many with commentary. This was no small undertaking. Rigged shows how tech money and Democrat activists stole an election, and suppressed any mention of it. She retells much of the 2020 Covid lockdown year and the effort to remake voting along ‘safer’ lines. By throwing out, or just ignoring, restrictions on voter verification the fix was in.

Lockdowns Become the Excuse

Covid became the perfect chance to change laws en masse and push through sweeping election reforms. States like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia and Michigan saw the largest changes. There isn’t enough space here to detail each state’s reckless disregard for using proper legal channels. The biggest steals were in vote by mail, signature verification, poll watching and a general loosening of standards.

 Mark Zuckerberg spread out over 400 million dollars through various non-profits to ‘aid’ in election safety. Dubbed Zuck Bucks, they funded a cottage industry of election shenanigans. 

The stated reason for the infusion of cash was to make sure elections “done in accordance with prevailing public health requirements”. The vast majority of money went to fund attorney fees for open record requests, salaries, laptops and other local hires for elections. Left wing groups like Power the Polls helped hire ballot curers. Curing is determining the intent of a voter on a disputed ballot. These are normally thrown out when in dispute. It’s an area ripe with fraud for good reason.

The problem with this outside money is it can overwhelm the normal, legal, function of election workers and election laws. That’s of course the point. Overwhelm the system and takeover the operation where possible. Private money isn’t necessarily new or unethical, but the scale and deployment points to why so much was spent on an election Democrats knew they’d likely lose.

Blame the Legal Team

In the second half, Hemingway blames Rudy Giuliani and his team of lawyers tasked with contesting the results in various states. If there is a weak point of the book it’s here.

 He focused on making public all the wrong items when other perfectly good strategies existed. Pennsylvania was the death knell for effective litigation of the election. According to Hemingway, there was an exceptionally good case for voters being denied equal protection. Mail in votes were being counted well after the statue strictly forbid it.

In challenge to this, the Pittsburg lawyers wanted to pursue the equal protection violation but Giuliani and crew focused on more sensational parts of the election. One particular poll watcher was denied entry, true but not as meaty. Rudy did a presser about it that rubbed some the wrong way. Some of the original Pittsburg lawyers were scared off the case by death threats. On top of that, the rest couldn’t agree with Rudy and his team and how the case should go. They asked to be dismissed from the case.

Uphill Battle

Hemmingway’s criticism is unfair here. I don’t remember the Trump team getting a lot of help in too many states. In fact most wanted nothing to do with it. Maybe Giuliani was abrasive and maybe they liked the sensational stuff because it meant the press would have to notice. Maybe they were sloppy and too concerned with optics. I’m not a lawyer but of all the cases anyone connected to Trump brought to court, how many were winners? As of February of this year, the times when it would have mattered, zero.

Am I supposed to believe this is all just Rudy and his bumbling legal team? No way. What about the Texas case to challenge Pennsylvania at the Supreme Court? SCOTUS wouldn't even hear the case because of "standing".

There has been very little courage from judges, elections commissions, and anyone tied to the voting process. Arizona has gone the farthest with its audit of Maricopa County. There is some evidence that Wisconsin might follow this same path. But I’m cynical. I think all this sudden ‘bravery’ is to shore up the suckers, the ones who haven’t said F*@K national elections.

It’s a way of saying “Hey guys, Republican official here. Gosh we’d love to do something about those pesky democrats and what they did in 2020. So vote for us and we’ll do what we can.” They’re dangling audit language like a string to a kitten and hoping we’ll chase it around. How do I know this? We’ve got an election coming up next year. You think they want to waste time with audits, recounts, litigation. Hell no. It’s time to raise money!

Don’t fall for it. You fix the fence then bring in the horses that escaped. They’re asking us to bring in the horses in while they work on the fence.  

Without real consequences for election theft, ballot tampering or any voter fraud we lose the ability to stop it. Justice Alito told Pennsylvania election officials to separate late arriving ballots after 8:00 on November 3rd (election day). They didn’t. They counted them anyway. What’s been done about it? Nothing.


Pick any swing state you like from last year. Most of the same problems are there in bunches, no oversight, out of date voter rolls, election laws ignored, double counting, signature verification problems.

Rigged is a fascinating deep dive into election fraud, mismanagement and plan by the tech companies and the deep state to steal the election. If you’re skeptical about the claims of among right wing nuts like me, just read it. Her research and summary of events are impeccable.  

Saturday, October 30, 2021

"Tulsa Run" and Done


I ran my first Tulsa Run today.

It’s a 15k that’s the city has held every year since 1978, minus one year. You know of course which year that was, 2020 the one where we collectively lost our minds. The race is popular with Tulsans because it’s just short of a half marathon but longer than a 5K. Why is that important? The 5K isn’t really a serious run. It’s the starting point for anyone who wants to start getting in shape. Most people can do a 5K even if it pushes them to their limits. If you can’t run the whole way then walk, it’s only 3.1 miles.

But a 15K requires at least some training. It’s 9.32 miles which isn’t nothing. Without at least some regular running this one would be tough. I didn’t think the distance would be a problem for me but I was concerned that I couldn’t keep a regular pace. I did slow up in the last half but I only lost 20 seconds or so per minute. The last half was hilly so that’s my excuse. I came in at 1:23:10 or roughly 8:55 per mile.

My regular runs are in the 9:45 per minute neighborhood so I was impressed. I do think my Fitbit is off by quite a lot though. Although I imagine racing a quicker pace than I practice, I don’t think I jumped up nearly a whole minute better. Adrenaline kicks in when others run near you. There is a comradery with others that motivates everyone to give a little more. Until regular blocks of joggers start passing you, that is, and you get mad. But yeah. . . I need a new Fitbit.

The weather was chilly but great for racing. My phone said 39 degrees just before I left. I stuck with shorts and a long sleeve Tee even though I knew it would be a cold wait. The alternative is to wear something you’ll wish you didn’t though, like gloves and pants. After a few miles you’ll want to discard them. I noticed runners ahead of me doing just that. They pitched long sleeves shirts along the route as they warmed up. The sun came out and they realized their ability to work up a sweat.

Another reason to love this run is the ideal view of the business district downtown.  We started at Boston and 3rd right in front of the Performing Arts Center and turned left 2 blocks west at Boulder. From Boulder the route spilled onto Riverside and South toward 41st. This means we got to run past the Gathering Place at 31st and come back along the bike path. The bike path along Riverside, at any point, is a familiar route for most Tulsa runners. All the running groups use it and individual walkers, bikers and even fisherman frequent it.

And it makes for great pictures for the newspaper.

We followed the bike path toward 11th and turned around to get back to Boulder. It got hilly right there at the end and I saw a few who were ahead of me start walking. I nearly did myself. I’m no stranger to steep hills though. I try to get in hills at least once every two weeks. I tried to pace off this guy near the end. He ran faster than me but then would stop and walk. I passed him up and 30 seconds later he zoomed past me. He began walking again and I passed him. He flew past me again, almost spitefully. That cycle repeated itself a few times and I thought about grabbing him. For whatever reason it really irritated me. I’m laughing about it now because that irritation led to an aggressive push toward the finish.

 I determined to pass him up for good and I did.

Next time I’d like to run with a team. I did know at least 2 people there. One I saw at the finish line. He came in a minute after me. Him and his wife were both good customers at my store for years. When their kids were younger and in sports, they spend a lot of money with us. The other was a woman I used to run with at Runner’s World. She led the 1:25 pace group. That’s where I started but managed to stay just slightly ahead of them.

I’ve got enough time to sign up for the Route 66 Half Marathon in a month. I might just have to do it.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Servant's Heart: A Discerning Mind

 The gospels are full of leading questions from the Pharisees to Jesus. Hoping to trip him like a good lawyer, they examined 'one offs' and exceptions to the rules.  "Is is lawful to pay taxes to the emperor" or "How is it he eats and drinks with sinners?" or "Can a man divorce his wife for any reason?"

It’s tough to always know the right thing to do for others. Some scenarios are tricky and lack a straightforward this or that answer.

Taking on another’s struggle challenges the part of us that doesn’t want to get too close. It’s uncomfortable to know where the boundary lines are. How far should we go in our efforts to reach the lost?

I had a conversation with my neighbor Cathy the other night. Her dog Gracie disappeared from the front yard a few days earlier. She panicked, naturally. She asked her friend who lives down the road to pray with her to have her dog returned safely. Her next door neighbor has a camera that records images from the street. They looked at footage from that day and recognized the thief as he walked by. Turns out it was a kid that Cathy had given money to the previous day, some homeless kid. She assumed he was homeless at least.

So the stranger she helped, believing she was doing God’s work, stole her dog. Two days later the kid came walking back with Gracie and pretended he found her wandering around. Like a good Samaritan he strolls up with his girlfriend hoping for a reward. By this point Cathy knows that he is the thief but the kid doesn’t know that. She tells him I knew you stole Gracie. “I saw you on the video”. He makes up a lame excuse about never having such a wonderful dog. He’s also has a meth problem. That’s what he admitted to at least. I didn’t see what he looked like, but I’ll bet it wasn’t exactly a surprise.

I was reminded first about God’s goodness in bringing her dog back. He is a rewarder of those that seek Him. Despite the difficult couple of days she endured wondering if Gracie was ok, the heavenly Father delivered. Secondly though, was her decision to give this kid some money a wise choice or a foolish one? I scolded her a bit for it. Only softly though, I could never get upset with such a generous person.

“Cathy. . . Don’t give them money, ever”. I must have sounded like a teacher who’s tired of repeating himself to stubborn pupils. You’d be tempted to say giving the kid any money was a bad idea. But if he was going to steal the dog anyway would they have gotten it back, if he didn’t expect a reward? I don’t know if he expected a reward but the way it played out, him coming back like he just found the dog, I assume he did.

In other words, was the money what ultimately ensured the dog would come back or did the money lead him to take the dog in the first place? My heart breaks when I hear stories like this from people I respect. It’s their generosity and heart that provides a way for scoundrels to take advantage. It enrages me. I think the Lord kept me from knowing anything about it until the incident until it was all over. I’m not violent but I won’t permit vagrants in the neighborhood taking advantage of the elderly.

 I’m no stranger to praying with the homeless and providing food for them. I seek them out when I jog through the city. Sometimes I’ll just talk to them and offer an encouraging word. But I keep boundaries from them. I don’t give money and I don’t offer them rides. I won’t approach groups of homeless unless I’m in a group myself. I rarely approach women unless I’m in a busy area where they feel safe.

 At some point in our Christian walk, we’ll have to get out of our comfort zone in the cause for Christ. “We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves, Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification.” (Romans 15: 1-2)

For some of us, selflessness is easy. It’s learning to be discerning that trips us up. Most of us, raises hand, struggle with opening up our lives to the uncomfortable messiness of others. I don’t mean people that walk by on the street either. There are countless opportunities to do help out in small ways. How many people need rides for groceries or help with yardwork? Consistent generosity shows the heart of God to others.

Those efforts lead to deeper friendships and chances to take on their emotional, financial and spiritual burdens. The heavenly Father doesn’t dump those on us so we can stagger around with the same heaviness our neighbor feels. Our role is to offer be a rock in the storm. We’re confident in our authority in Christ because of what He did in us and for us.

That’s an awesome responsibility but it won’t happen if you aren’t ready. I think my neighbor makes mistakes by being too open, even at the expense of getting hurt. I think I make mistakes by holding back when I could help, at the expense of getting hurt.

This from Mathew 5:42 “Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away.” I normally take that to mean goods and not money, but it’s the openness that counts. If it feels like God is encourage you to stretch a little, take a chance. There is blessing on the other side of obedience, for us and the ones we serve. 

It will make you smile like a husky that's just been returned.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Right Way Forward on Abortion


Abolition or Incrementalism? Pro-lifers need each other because the goal is the same, an end to legalized murder.

 The SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) released a resolution over the summer decrying incrementalism on abortion legislation. What does that mean? Incrementalism is the idea that pro-lifers need to work to end abortion in stages. They vote for restrictions and limits, they try to defund programs that give money to clinics. They support politicians that introduce bills to limit its use.

 An incremental approach to anything is to chip away at it like ice on your windshield until it no longer exists. The hope is to make it so restrictive that it’s essentially outlawed. That’s the position favored by Scott Klusendorf of the TGC (The Gospel Coalition).

I’m not an expert on all the various state laws. I have noticed that some states like New York, loosened whatever restrictions did exist. Before 2019 the state outlawed abortion after 24 weeks unless the mother’s life was at risk.  After Cuomo’s bill there remains a fig leaf of a restriction. The baby can be aborted up to 24 weeks or more, but must be non-viable. But who decides viability? The language doesn’t define it, which makes it an easy law to abuse.

 Other states like Texas have all but outlawed the practice. Senate Bill 8 makes abortion after 6 weeks, roughly when a heartbeat is detected, illegal. Mississippi put a 15 week ban in place just this year. Red and blue states are going in different directions.  

The SBC thinks that making deals of any kind on abortion is (effectively) a sin. That’s unfair. If abortion were illegal and representatives signed legislation that allowed for it, that would be a different matter. They are also saying that their previous position of incrementalism, constituted sinful behavior. Ironically this resolution is issued after some big victories (in state like Mississippi and Texas) making their abolitionism a more comfortable position.

 They can thank incrementalism for the stronger hand. Small victories over the years provided the impetus to take a harder line.

The concern from the SBC is that politicians don’t hold the line on abortion. It’s a boutique issue that the ‘rubes’ insist on. They pretend to make deals when they’d rather fundraise or talk about tax breaks. That’s how I imagine the SBC sees it.

 In other words, it’s not an issue of morality for a lot of legislators even though they promise it is.

Here is the bottom line. The prolife movement needs hardliners like the SBC. They keep the squishy moderates honest by not letting them abandon the unborn to political expediency. But the hardliners need to realize how far the movement has come in restricting access. Some believe the easily available ultrasounds change the minds of women seeking abortions. Multiple states have laws that require a sonogram before making the decision to abort.

But Klusendorf believes abolitionists shoot themselves in the foot by ignoring the fallout if the Supreme Court upholds current federal laws.

Suppose that Roe and Casey survive challenge. Nevertheless, a state defies the federal courts and signs into law an abolitionist bill banning all abortions, without exceptions. What then? As more than one pro-life leader points out, a move like that is akin to secession. Don’t expect the federal government to look away. For millions of Americans, abortion is a sacrament that cannot be challenged. As happened with civil-rights integration in the 1950s and 1960s, troops will be sent in to enforce federal law. Abortion clinics will remain open. Then what?

Then What? I don’t think the SBC cares. Their statement is one of faith that God will sort it out. Do what’s right and the chips fall where they will, so to speak. I’m kind of with them on that.

Klusendorf thinks in strategic terms. He wants to move the ball 5 yards at a time.

The SBC doesn’t want to play anymore; especially since we aren’t playing the same game anymore. The Right likes consensus, and votes and specific language in their bills. The Left likes to throw 40 yard passes at a time. “Mandates for everyone, close the church doors it isn’t essential, pull your mask up! Immigration law… what’s that? Don’t like it, tough.”

Another big problem is how pro-lifers rank abortion. Almost all Republicans are pro-life but not all are PRO LIFE, you know? Anti-abortion efforts aren’t at the top of everyone’s list, making it more likely the issue will be with us for a while. There are other concerns of morality to fight for. Marriage is under attack, as is sex and gender confusion. Legal rights of parents to decide on medical treatments like mental health care and abortion are stripped certain states, like Washington, if the child is 13 or older.

Does anyone doubt that gender reassignment surgery for minors is next? I mean of course without parental permission.

The goal of the pro-life movement is to end abortion. Whether the Supreme Court will ever overturn Roe v Wade is anyone’s guess. The court upheld the basic right to an abortion in Casey, while allowing for restrictions. That was 1992. I’m not optimistic on this.

Supreme Court rulings have a trickle down effect on state laws. Their decisions can determine the course of legislation for another 50 years. But the pro-life movement has seen success due to incrementalism in just the last decade. January 2011 to July 2019 accounted for 40% of the new restrictions on abortions from states. That’s just the last decade.

Pro-lifers need each other.


Friday, October 15, 2021

Conference Tomorrow on Writing


I’m attending a writer’s conference tomorrow in Glenpool. It’s only about 25 minutes from here down 75. I got the idea last week to start attending some workshops to start networking with other writers. I’ve been very lazy in this regard. I don’t like to talk about myself to others and feel that awkward sense I’m being judged. Or, I feel pressure to appear like I’ve accomplished more than I have in writing.

Even putting that much down on the page makes me feel like a neurotic. Am I overly self-aware? Yes. Does my awareness lead to a crippling sense of social paranoia? No, but it does mean social grace is not natural for me. I need to force it a bit.

 If there is a silver lining it’s that this sense of not measuring up is less a problem than it used to be. With age comes a comfortability in who you are. I’m never completely at ease but I’m less concerned with how people might see me.

I can’t shake the feeling that these events are a dead end, most of the time.

But what else am I really doing? What am I giving up to spend a few hours at a free conference? Nothing. I’ve got no excuse to pop in and at least shake hands, ask people what they do. The event is put on by the Tulsa Night Writers. They’re an organization of local writers that support and mentor each other in book projects. I’ve thought about going to their once monthly meeting where I’m sure a published author talks about their style, process and inspiration. I’ve avoided it because it’s so fiction heavy. It’s a group focused on writing novels and not much else.

I could be wrong about this of course. The director sent me a list of the classes for tomorrow. I picked the ones I really wanted to attend from 1 to 10. All were geared to writing novels. “How to write Dialogue” and “On World building” I did see at least one about self-publishing. That’s useful enough for me.

 The guests are published authors in the area of fiction. I might end up leaving at the halfway point, I’ll decide after the first couple of classes. The fact remains that a good number of these attendees may actually have professional writing jobs already. I’m in it for the networking. I’ve never considered writing stories. Actually blogging is what I do but because I have such a high tolerance for politics it often feels like journalism.

Journalism is a high bar though if it’s done right. I prefer the opinion heavy stuff. I don’t have to source it as well. If anyone complains, “I’m just a guy with a blog—whaddaya want?”

 I think I would’ve liked working at a newspaper. But then everyone prefers the work they don’t do to the work they do. It always seems easier somehow. But writing on any level requires some creativity that I never thought I had. But Creativity is a muscle not a gene.  At a certain point though if we exercise muscles they grow. Writing skills need to grow and develop in the same way. 

I used to think some people were creative and some weren’t.

It’s not right though. Some have a knack or talent that’s innate. But most people can learn to do other things in the creative sphere. Writing is one of them. Few will sell books like James Patterson or Sue Grafton but they’ll get to a point where they achieve success. The negative thing about writing is that it’s tough to get over a certain hump. “When do I start making money, and will it soon dry up?” is kind of the thing everyone needs to figure out. It’s where I’m at right now.

The positive thing about writing is a lot of people give up on it. It’s time consuming and Oh So competitive. But what isn’t competitive? You got a federal job I don’t know about? Competition is good for us; it keeps us sharp.

But the few writers I’ve known are a helpful group. The market is competitive but writers can be cooperative. As fans of the written word they probably assume there is enough work and quality will rise to the top. Whatever their reason, I hope to run across a few tomorrow. I regret not printing off some business cards with my logo on them. Maybe next time.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Is Rebellion in the Works?


From NBA players to truckers and airline workers, a small rebellion is taking place across the country on the issue of vaccine mandates. Will it lead to copycat protests across the country against mandates? I can’t say for sure, but some event or action or incentive needs to. 

I won’t pretend that all Americans are fed up with restrictions either. 

I’ve been wrong (So Wrong!) about how long citizens would put up with having their livelihoods and health privacy taken away. I remember talking to a friend about how long Americans would tolerate not being able to work, church, restaurants, school events and sports. I think I said something like a month will be enough. This was in April of last year. Yup, very wrong. 

 I watched a short clip from Jim Cramer (CNBC) with the CEO of Southwest Airlines Gary Kelly. That airline has seen a slew of canceled flights this past week, over 2000. He denied it was due to pilots pulling a ‘sick out’ or a refusal to come to work. He talked about weather delays and pilots being overworked. 

Even the AP listed those reasons and a few others like absenteeism. But does that really explain it? 

Debra Heine of “American Greatness” says not so fast. Kelly told George Stephanopoulos that there is “no evidence” of a coordinated refusal from pilots. But followed it up with a list of reasons why the airline’s hands are tied, one of which is that Biden’s executive order for vaccine mandates includes federal employees and contractors. 

Pilots are contractors. 

Still, why spend time explaining that you have no choice if there is no evidence of a strike? Kelly also said they airline wouldn’t fire anyone. That’s a lie. Southwest send a memo around to its employees that if they didn’t get vaccinated (or have an exemption) by November 24 will be terminated. It sounds to me like he’s trying to have it both ways: pretend it’s all just weather delays while also trying to halt a rising tide of rebellion and pretend it doesn’t exist.

 If the workers are staging a protest we wouldn’t know it. They’ll play dumb about it because their agreement (through the union) specifically prohibits striking.

I don’t want to get too excited about the prospect that a genuine sick out might be in the works. But I hope it’s true. The rest of the week seems back to normal so far but the weekend is on the way. 

That’s probably where the disruption will hit if it's true.

Professional basketball has its own problems. 

The NBA is requiring all players to get the shot or apply for an exemption. They always throw that “exemption” in there but as a possibility just before they reject it. That’s what happened to Andrew Wiggins of the Warriors, he applied for an exemption and the league said “nah brah”. So he took the shot. There are a handful of holdouts, Kyrie Irving being of the Nets being the one star. 

Jonathan Isaiah of the Orlando Magic isn’t taking it either. He’s the one who famously stood up for the national anthem when the rest of the team (the rest of the league) knelt down. Players who aren’t vaccinated are treated like leapers when not playing. They stay in separate hotel rooms, and use different areas of the locker room. During tip off though they can walk through the tunnel and join the team during the game. It’s Ridiculous.

Isaiah even had the virus earlier this year. He believes in free choice and, rightly, pointed to the fact that natural immunity is better than the vaccine. There was a study in Israel early this year that backs him up. 

This will come to a head and I think the league will get its way. Is there enough grit in these young players to actually give up such a lucrative career? I certainly hope.

We need young people with solid morals who understand what they are actually giving up by acquiescing to mob rule. Giving up now means giving up every single time, to whatever the next demand is. 

 I’m not looking forward to the inevitable breakdown of commerce and good order that a rebellion will bring. Without some real pain nothing changes and citizens become slaves to whatever the state demands. By pain I mean disruption everywhere, get used to being ostracized for not going along with their demands. 

Without true rebellion we go through the cycle of restrictions all over again. We need to get to a point where government overreach (or ever the suggestion) is met with a swift rebuke from citizens.

 The simplest way through this is to just say “I will not comply.”

It might not be the time yet, but a rebellion from the middle class is coming.