common sense

"there is no arguing with one who denies first principles"

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Summer Storms

A violent storm knocked out a big tree limb in my backyard. I heard a loud crack and rushed to the window. This was around 9:30 or 10:00 so it was dark and rainy. I had to press my face to the glass and force my eyes to focus on the tree. I was both relieved and disappointed. My backyard tree lost a sizable limb from the unrelenting wind. I think it’s a pear tree, which is not the strongest wood.  The relief I felt is because it didn’t hit the garage, neither did anything fall off the front tree (maple) and ruin my SUV in the driveway. It lost a few more limbs, much smaller and manageable. It losses a few dangling limbs during nearly every storm anyway. I’ve just come to expect it. Last year I had someone climb up it and cut all the deadwood and barely-still-there type of branches. Since then I’ve noticed a lot less debris overall. It still likes to shed during the storms though.

I woke up this morning expecting to start cutting the fallen limb into bits and hauling it to the street. I noticed the whole area got trashed by that storm, it wasn’t just my yard. My neighbor in back had a large birch trunk split down the middle. Part of it crushed their new fence as well. The whole street took a beating from north to south. Street lights were out as well. My brother, a mile away, lost power. These storms usually pass through in the spring. Summer is normally light, warm rain and moist breezes that cool down the land after a 90 degree day. Oklahoma doesn’t see a lot of those. You either get extended droughts or what the guy at Lowes called a “gullywasher”. I was buying hostas at the time and preparing to line the fence with them. “Might want hold off on that” he said “Tonight’s supposed to be a gullywasher”. That’s the first time I heard that phrase but didn’t ask him what it meant. It’s a word that explains itself perfectly.

I didn’t grow up here as a kid but it seems like the rain and storms are more violent here. I don’t just mean from destruction. The weather events just feel more intense, hard driving rain, angry wind. I’m sure it’s my imagination but I didn’t think the storms were that much different than the upper Midwest. I know the tornados are worse, but summer storms too?

As a kid I loved a good summer storm. You could stand outside and not worry about getting sick from cold rain. Lightning is usually destructive, but sometimes it’s so far away it doesn’t feel like it. It just cracks across the sky and lights up the dark clouds for brief second; you don’t even hear the thunder. At one house we had a long picture window with a great view of the front yard. I’d sit on the couch against the window and watch the storm progress and the rain get faster as it moved across the yard.

 Storms were more fun as a kid, getting wet and splashing in puddles too. But then everything was more fun as a kid. Being an adult is the worst. “Adulting” it’s called, which is an appropriate name that makes it sound like a game kids would play, talk about named perfectly. Probably the biggest difference from childhood to adulthood is that fun becomes work awfully quick. Families don’t get together so the parents can ride bikes and play kick ball. Kids are all about fun and find it even in things adults hate to do. And one thing we really hate to do is clean up the yard after a gullywasher.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Medical Grade Churches

Not a Good Sign: Jesus Is Back and He's Wearing a Face Mask

Church is starting back tomorrow night. Instead of 6:00 pm, like normal, we’ll be hosting a 5:00 slot so the cleaning crew can have extra time to disinfect the church. All that scary Covid wafting around it pays to use a little extra elbow grease I suppose. Come to think of it does Covid even waft? Or is it more an airborne menace, an all-powerful droplet of doom, wreaking havoc on man and beast. It fills up hospital beds quicker than a F5 tornado rampaging through a city. It causes all manner of life to seize up like an engine without oil in July. God help us all! I hope we’re prepared for this present day darkness!

I don’t expect a lot of people to show up tomorrow. I went to a Wednesday night service a few weeks ago. We do those once per month. It’s a good idea to get all 3 separate campuses to meet in one place. But since the shutdown and collective loss of ability to think clearly by so many, we’ve been away for a while. I was pumped to be there. A meeting with fellow Christians, united in prayer for the leaders of the country was perfectly timed. I haven’t been watching the online services. I just can’t get into them. I like the live in person stuff. Sure if I miss a week here and there and I can supplement with a simulcast but mostly, I haven’t had the energy.

 How much energy could you possible need to sit in front of a screen for 30 minutes. You don’t even need pants!

Ok so I don’t mean energy as much something else. Having trouble naming it, it’s like a whole body shoulder shrug. It’s an “I just can’t right now” feeling permeating my soul. It’s probably rooted in disappointment over the church’s decision to shut down for such an extended period. For what I believe is a ridiculous virus (I didn’t say fake) that wouldn’t raise an alarm in most years. We’re shutting down business, church and schools for a lousy coughing bug. Oh but It’s contagious, spreads quickly. Good. Maybe we can get to herd immunity by football season. I’m trying to understand the needs of the more vulnerable and be accommodating, but we don’t do that in a free country. The sick and vulnerable stay home, not the healthy.

Since I’m a volunteer at church they are making us wear masks while serving. I’m not happy about it. I’ll go along with it for now. I want to be supportive of the leaders at church and the tough decisions they need to make. But this feels more like accommodating to a world view of how we should behave than an honest attempt to make people comfortable.

How much of this is me being a jerk and how much is a genuine desire to rebel against a lying media machine? The Church needs to be strong on all fronts and sometimes I think it means being a little bit rebellious. If for no other reason than to signal to the local officials “You don’t get to tell us what to do”. Mask mandates aren’t law. They’re pronouncements, edicts, power hungry screeds and we have never passed “laws” that way. We don’t vote to compel people to wear things anyway. I realize that masks are either required by businesses or not, the government hasn’t made a ruling yet. But it doesn’t matter.

I think of the mask as a litmus test. Is that really fair though? All that pressure for a thin piece of fabric?

Those who force wearing it are not going to push back when it counts. Oh they’re nice about it of-course, it’s all just the most reasonable how-could-you-not-just-do-the-sensible-thing suggestions. It’s like a feather even, barely a nudge. “Think of the elderly you monster” “What would Jesus do?” “It’s just for a little while”. I can't imagine Jesus with a mask "Come to me all you who are weary...but please wash your hands, and stay 6 feet away."

Those who refuse to wear it are leaders, especially when the downside to NOT wearing it is reputational damage and scorn. Since leaders across the country (inside and outside of church) are surrendering on little things like masks, and gathering, and accepting the silly premise that singing spreads the disease even faster, I’ll look to those who stand on little things to lead.