Well I am in a good mood! Trump is the president for the
next 4 years (at least) and his rise was totally remarkable, unlike anything
seen in politics in my lifetime. Oh sure, other remarkable unexpected elections
probably came about across the country on some level, Schwarzenegger was a California governor after all . Never has the highest
office in the country been awarded to someone with no government experience, no
military experience and no applicable work experience. OK the last one may not
be entirely convincing since many in the business community think their
boardroom acumen is perfectly suited for dealing with Congress.
I was a late (very late) supporter of the Trump campaign. At
some point you look around the tent and realize no one is left to vote for but
the orange guy with the floppy red hat. I was reluctant and still am that he
can put a coalition together that gets manufacturing back and stops immigration
from the Southern border. I am hopeful though that with the GOP House and
Senate he stands a better chance than with a divided Congress.
Here is a short list of things I’d like to see happen in the
first 100 days.
1. 1 Nominate Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court. If he
accepts, which he probably will, he represents a solid conservative voice that
shapes the thinking on decisions for the next 30 years. Putting Cruz on the
SCOTUS takes him away as a presidential challenger and resident pain in the ass
Senator and gives him a larger stage. Plus, Ted wants to prove to everyone how
smart he is (and he REALLY is). Give ‘em a chance, we won’t regret it!
2. 2 Repeal Obamacare (ACA) and replace with ANYTHING
resembling a market driven plan. The House Republicans under Paul Ryan have (I
guess) been working on it for a while, but you know…Obama. How much of mess
this program really is? Ever tried to untangle a box full of
old clothes hangers? Like that…but more like warehouse full of hangers in boxes. Oh, and the instructions on how to begin are 2000 pages long, and in Chinese. It should have been an albatross around the president’s neck the last few years
but never seemed to be. The only real ACA stuff I read was in my Heritage
Foundation blog updates. Anytime the press uttered the words “Affordable Care
Act” the White House staffers should’ve run out shrieking like they had seen a
ghost. It wasn’t just a disaster, it was a predictable disaster.
3. 3 Reassure
our allies in Europe (NATO) that the alliance is still strong. Trump will
insist on letting them all know if they want the defensive umbrella of NATO
they better pay up. Rarely do all the allied nations pay their percentage. This
‘freeloading’ is what Donald Trump has explained causes the US to keep funding
defense for the continent. I don’t agree completely with his assessment, but allies are crucial to
world stability and free trade. Make nice with Europe. We need them, they need
4. 4 The regulatory state is a nightmare and although
I can’t begin to determine which industry needs the most help, an overhaul
should be done. Start with ‘environmental’ regulations put into effect strictly
because of climate change non-sense. I don’t mean start tearing up the Clean
Water Act and allow industry to dump toxic sludge into lakes and rivers. Quotas
and limits on industry should be scrapped. They are as arcane as war era food rationing plans. Trump should take restrictions off the coal industry that the current president
helped establish. The price of electricity should determine how much coal or
natural gas we use, not onerous and expensive federal measures.
Those are four just as quick as I could come up with them. Certainly
there are aspects of a Trump presidency that worry me but with a true belief in
this country and the unlimited potential of the market, I am optimistic.
The missing
element in this country (and the world by extension) has been tough leadership
and moral certainty. The US navy keeps the pirates around the horn of Africa in
check because it has the moral clarity to protect the sea lanes. Ditto for the
South China Sea and the Dardanelles. Moral certainty means other countries
interested in trade and travel accept the arrangement of peace and stability
the US ensures in much of the world. This tenuous position of give and take
power politics is ALWAYS in play in theaters around the world. Why is Russia a
constant thorn in Eastern Europe? They represent the ‘other’ side of influence,
state run economies and zero citizen freedoms. Only when US hegemony is
removed, or severely curtailed, will we realize how good we all had it. I hope
Trump begins to get a sense of the responsibility this country has as a default
guarantor of peace. Something tells me he’ll get help where he needs it.